Page 63 of Games with the Orc
I pressed my face into his side to hide my blush. I'd tried to keep my illustrations sweet and pretty, welcoming, and left my darker work for my own personal enjoyment. Fusing the two was a relief. Another part of myself integrated fully. And as much as it wouldn't have changed my mind, it was a warm relief for Khell to like them.
Khell's arm tightened around me, his hand rubbing the threadbare cotton of my robe against my back. "Do you have more work you want to do?"
I shook my head, stroking my cheek against that velvety texture of his skin, my eyes falling shut and my lungs filling up with the rich, earthy scent of my orc.
"Are you hungry, little mate?"
"Not yet," I said. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my hips into his thigh, tipping my head back until I found the sharp light of his eyes glowing above me. "I couldn't decide whether I wanted to stay in bed this morning or come up here. Somehow, being able to walk away made this feel…more real. Less like another…"
"Appointment," Khell said, nodding and looking around the room, his lips curving up.
Khell's easy smile certainly was new and delightful. It was no less precious now for being granted frequently.
"Does it not feel real now?" he asked me, gaze glittering.
"Mostly real," I said. A little too good to be true, I added privately.
Khell twisted, pressing his half-hard cock against me, his hands circling my neck gently to hold my head. "What about now?"
My lips twitched as he thrust his hips forward, the head of his cock leaking his interest through my thin robe to leave a sticky mark on my skin.
"That helps," I said, nodding slightly.
"Mmm. And this?"
Khell's hands smoothed down my throat and then under my robe, shoving it down my shoulders to trap my arms, pushing until my chest was exposed. His cock jerked and nestled itself between my breasts. I lifted my hands to hold my breasts together, and Khell's lips parted as he stared down at his cock cradled there, his hips shifting again, another drip of precum sliding down to my skin. I dipped my chin and lapped at his tip with his next thrust, smiling at his grunt.
"A little more," I teased, and Khell blinked, eyes lifting to mine, his grin stretching.
He untied the robe's belt, and I released my breasts to let him push the fabric down to the floor. His right hand tangled in my hair, pulling me up to the tip of my toes for a kiss, and his left caught me between my thighs, stroking at my slit. I moaned and then gasped as his claws appeared on my sex, gentle and dragging.
"And now?"
"That helps," I said, nodding rapidly.
Khell laughed, and I whined as his claws left me, his left arm twining around my waist to lift my feet from the floor. "Which wall is safe?"
"Safe?" I asked, still squirming after the touch of his claws.
"I don't want to smudge your work."
"Oh." Oh! I waved behind me to the wall near the eastern window. "There."
Khell carried me around my cart of paint and a table stacked with prints to ship before pressing me to the wall and dropping to his knees in front of me. I laughed and leaned back. Khell on his knees was still a giant, and he leaned in, kissing and licking at my breasts, cupping one in his large hand and gazing up at me as that long, dark tongue circled my nipple.
"Did I help inspire your art, petal?" Khell growled, his claws burrowing between my thighs again.
I sighed and spread my legs, nodding slowly. "Yes."
"Good. Let me inspire you again."
He crouched, his free hand scooping me up by the back of my thighs and lifting me off my toes. His shoulders made room for themselves between my legs, and I cried out as I went from standing on my own feet to sitting on Khell's mouth, his tongue plunging in, claws and tusks holding me open.
"Oh fuck, Khell!" My feet braced against his back, hands taking hold of his braid, my shoulders pressed to the wall to keep myself from tumbling forward.
Khell's tongue was like a lovely, sinuous, lively cock in my cunt, thrusting and searching and licking at my walls. His nose was breathing and nuzzling against my clit, a dull tease, but effective stimulation as I rocked on his mouth.
"I think—fuck, fuck yes, please—I think this is less real than ever," I managed, breath short and rapid, hips churning as Khell's hot tongue fucked me playfully, his purr vibrating against my sex.