Page 135 of Priceless
I pulled myself back from the brink. “Why didn’t you just dump me for Sydney?”
He blinked fish eyes at me. “Now why would I do that, beautiful? You think Sydney’s the kind of girl I’d date?”
My fists clenched.
“You are so fucked,” he crowed. “I’m telling everyone the truth about you.”
Ice seized my spine. “People won’t care. This school is huge. It’s not like everyone knows who I am.”
“You’re the cheerleader who fell.” He smiled maliciously. “People know who you are.”
I turned away, but he grabbed my arm. Gritting my teeth, I yanked, and his grip tightened. “We’re done.”
“How could you do this to me?” God, he meant it. “Ilovedyou, and this is how you repay me.”
“Love?” I let out a laugh, my throat tight. “You cheated on me with my best friend!”
“Because I knew you were holding back. You were always keeping something from me. Do you know how that feels?”
“What’s your price,sweetie?”He dropped my arm and dug in his pocket. My skin burned with his fingerprints. “I’ve got thirty bucks, what’ll that buy me? Is there a menu?”
“Your paycheck’s gonna run dry soon,” he sing-songed. “He said he can’t afford you. Poor guy, can’t even buy sex anymore.”
A sharpcrackechoed off the walls — my hand whipping past his cheek. It happened so fast, I didn't register my shock until I saw it reflected in Dexter's face.
He gripped my wrists.
“Whore.That’s what he called you, because that’s all you are to him. A walking, talking, hollowed-out hole for him to fuck a dollar bill into. You’re pathetic. Second-rate. Not good enough for any guy. You’renothing,Christina.”
The doors burst open. A huge body streaked toward us.
“Get off her.”
Patrick’s voice was distorted, barely recognizable. A hand closed on Dexter’s collar and shoved.
Dexter stumbled backwards and let me go. “Hit me and I’ll sue you,” he blustered.
Patrick clenched his fists, disgust rolling off him in waves. He gave Dexter a look of pure contempt and walked up close. Dexter flinched.
“Come near her again, bother her in any way at all, and we’ll be having more than a conversation.”
“You can’t get some legitimately with your charming personality,” Dexter snarled, “so you have to pay. You’re as pathetic as she is.”
Patrick blinked, surprise flashing in his eyes. “And you’re a weak, insignificant little prick.” His voice was so cold, I hugged my arms across my chest. “Leave her alone.”
“I’m slinging this shit all over campus,” Dexter yelled at me. “You’ll be on the garbage heap in a week.”
“Do it.” I looked right into Dexter’s eyes. “If I go down, so do you.”
Kappa Sig was noisy after Scene on the Green. Doors banged, music blasted, and people yelled up and down the hall. Nobody lounged at the back door, and nobody paid attention to me and Patrick. I had never been so grateful to use a frat bathroom. Or to have Patrick standing guard outside the door.
Walking into his room, I breathed easier. The bedside lamp cast a familiar dim glow. The window was open a crack, and cool air blew in. It smelled like spring. The bed was made; the space was neat and clean as always.