Page 14 of Priceless
Or someone like me. A college girl who would never consider doing this under normal circumstances. He was getting off on my discomfort, my curiosity.
“Have you tried a friend with benefits?” I asked brightly. “Free. And friendly.”
“I don’t have sex with my friends.”
I wondered if he had friends, period.
“Just a piece of advice. I recommend doing the deed with someone who likes you.”
“You don’t like me?” He grinned — the first real smile I’d seen so far.
He cocked his head. “Why aren’t your parents helping you out with your bills?”
“I haven’t asked them.” I swigged my beer. “They’d be…disappointed. They have high expectations.”
“Oh?” His eyes weren’t leaving me.
“I have a perfect older sister who does everything right.” And I was damn sure Alexis had never spilled her guts to some stranger in a frat with ice for eyes. A stranger who wanted to pay her for sex.“I’m the kid sister who can never measure up.”
He took my chin in his hand. “Why do you have to measure up?”
“I just do,” I whispered. “I’ve been trying not to, but it doesn’t work.”
The music changed. Notes melted in the air, and the singer’s feminine voice rippled from the DJ booth to our solitary room. A couple lurched past the doorway, her arms and legs wrapped around him, mouths tussling eagerly.
God help me, I leaned close to Patrick, my head tilting, standing on tiptoe in my high-heeled boots. Whatever happened, I needed to know how it felt to kiss him.
He bent his head, but I had to close the gap.
I smelled mint and cold, smoky winter air. No alcohol.
It was a soft kiss, but it got rougher as it deepened. Our tongues brushed in a burst of heat. Teeth closed on my lower lip, sharp and hungry. My arms wound around his neck, and a sudden tug on my hair made me gasp.
He pulled back just as I dove in for more.
“Wait,” I protested, my hand going to the back of his head.
He sat up straight, evading me, though he kept hold of my chin. He laughed softly, and my face burned at being so obvious.
“I’m not going any further like this.” His thumb caressed my cheek. “Not without an arrangement. But you’re very cute.”
“Thanks. You’re scary.”
“Awww.” He flashed white teeth — a wolf, in wolf’s clothing.
I hadn’t been joking — I was scared. Even if I gave him the finger and walked away, those cold eyes would show up in my dreams while I shivered in my apartment. I’d see them everywhere on campus. I’d touch myself while they watched.
My knees were shaking, and he saw — his eyes flicked over my legs. And I was so, so wet. Heat spread from my core, a ball of fire that overlaid the fear. Not obliterating it, but nudging it into the background.
I was ready to say,let’s just hook up and forget about the money.God, what was I thinking? This guy was bad news.
I cleared my throat. “What exactly are you looking for in a ‘companion?’ Hypothetically, I mean. Best of luck, because I don’t think you’re going to find anyone.”
“I’ll find someone.” One finger brushed my collarbone, sending electricity through my skin to my pussy. “It would be nice if it were you. I think you’d be perfect.”
I gulped warm beer. “Get to the point.”