Page 41 of Priceless
There was no way to truly prepare for walking into Patrick's room. Whatever games went down tonight, I was going to lose.
I finished typing, emailed the minutes to the executive board, and shoved my laptop into my overstuffed tote bag. Throwing a quick goodbye to Allison, I ducked out of the room.
In the hallway, I finger-combed my hair, arranging it before I put on my pom-pom hat. A chilly wind blasted my face as I opened the building door.
Footsteps sounded behind me. An arm draped around my shoulders, making me tense up. When a whiff of familiar cologne hit my nose, I relaxed — slightly — and sighed.
“Hey, Dex.”
“Hi, sweetie.” Dexter ran a hand through his dark hair. He tweaked my hat over my forehead, and I moved it back. “What’s the rush?”
“No rush.” I hurried down the main path of the quad. Dexter kept pace with me.
“You’re all dressed up. Something special happening?”
“I just felt like looking nice.”
“Well, you look even more gorgeous than usual.”
“Thanks,” I murmured.
When we were a couple, Dexter threw compliments around like confetti. I’d loved it when he confessed he’d seen me cheerleading at games and couldn’t take his eyes off me. When he’d said I was too good for him and he didn’t know how he’d gotten so lucky.
At first.
As we passed a flickering lamp, Dexter leaned in. “You smell delicious.”
“Thanks,” I repeated. I’d gone a little crazy with perfume in my room, spraying it between my breasts and on my thighs. I was trying too hard. Patrick would probably rip my clothes off as soon as I walked in.
I strode behind the engineering building where I’d done my makeup on Friday night, trying to shake Dex. If I were alone, if I weren’t late, I’d be ducking inside that same bathroom to wash the perfume off my thighs.
He moved closer, crooking his elbow around my neck, and I shifted under the weight of his arm. “I’m on my way to band practice. You’re coming to our next show, right? It’ll be a Friday night around eleven—”
“I can’t,” I blurted.
“What do you mean, you can’t?” His brows pulled together. “You don’t even know the date. You have something happening every Friday?”
“We’ll see, okay?” I hedged.
“I need you there, beautiful. You’re my good-luck charm.”
“You were doing fine before you met me.”
“Not so good.” He bent to press his forehead against my hat. His breath clouded the cold air between us. “I miss you, baby,” he whispered. “I miss you so much.”
Miss you too,I was about to say. But I heard Patrick’s voice. Icy, close, flooding my veins like a drug.
Why do you pretend, Christina?
“Dexter, listen.” I stepped out from under his arm, feeling so mean. “We’re friends. That’s it.”
He blinked. “You asked for some time apart. I didn’t think it was final. That was in December. It’s only been a few weeks.”
I steeled myself. “It’s final. I’m sorry.”
He stepped close. “You were upset, you didn’t know what you were saying. I’m worried, Christina. You weren’t yourself when you asked for a break. Think of how good we had it together. It’s not like there’s anyone else for you.” His eyes narrowed. “Is there?”
I fiddled with my scarf. “I’m not looking for anything serious right now.”