Page 8 of Crave
“I’ve always wanted to blow the entire lacrosse team.”
Damian chokes on his beer at my words. It’s just the two of us in the hot tub. Tonight’s party is winding down, and everyone else is inside.
“I’mon the lacrosse team,” he says.
His arm rests along the edge of the hot tub. His fingertips are an inch away from my shoulder. We’re sitting close, but not too close.
“Oh, are you?” I stretch luxuriously, water soaking my red bikini top. “Yeah, I guess you are.”
I met Damian on the first day of college. Freshman year, we lived across the hall from each other. It’s been three years, and I’ve always seen him as a friend — nothing more. He usually has a girlfriend, though not at the moment.
And me? I prefer to be unattached.
But now, I look him over. His firm shoulders, the water dripping down his chest, his cute curly dark hair that could use a cut. His fingers that can’t stay still on the rim of the hot tub.
He shifts in the water. I wonder if he's getting hard.
“Can you…elaborate?” His eyes flick to my face, then away.
“Of course. They’re all — excuse me,you’reall lined up in the locker room. You’re sitting on a bench in one long row. Naked. Rock hard.” I watch his expression. Tough to tell in the dark backyard, but I swear his cheeks are reddening. “It’s silent. No one can talk unless I say so. No one can touch me unless I say so. You’re all so fucking desperate to come, desperate for my attention, and I’m the only one who can give it to you. It’s just, oh my God, this forest of cocks, and I’m sucking on all of you, and it’s more cock than I can even imagine…”
I laugh, kicking my legs in the water.
He looks stunned. “You are so drunk, Alana,” he murmurs.
You’re so turned on, Damian.
“Maybe.” I give a little shrug. “But in this fantasy, everyone is stone cold sober.”
I lean across him in the hot tub to get my beer, allowing the tip of my breast to brush his shoulder. Then his cheek. He sucks in a breath.
It's cruel, to tease like this. But I can't stop. It's too much fun.
“What’s in it for you?” He smiles, but his eyes are glazed. “Don’t you want pleasure too?”
I move closer — just a bit. The hot water foams around us.
“There’s lots in it for me. I get attention. I get control. I get masturbation material that will last meyears.I come better when I’m alone, anyway.”
I don’t tell Damian that alone is the only way I come.
“You're a tease, aren't you?”
“I guess.” I tilt my head to sip my beer. “But this is a dream that’s never going to happen. I’ve resigned myself to that. My favorite fantasy will always be a fantasy.”
“You sound very sure about that,” he murmurs.
The stars look so pretty overhead. I squint up at them.
“Of course I’m sure. It would be crazy to try it in real life. There’s no guarantee that the guys would be respectful, that they wouldn’t gossip or secretly tape it. That it would go the way I want it to.”
“Why lacrosse?” His fingers brush my shoulder, and I tense. It feels good, but I’m not asking him to hit on me.
“Oh, you know.” I toss back my long wet hair.
“No, I don't know.” He's looking at me more intently. “Enlighten me.”
“Football's a cliche. Basketball players would never sit still. Soccer players...don't get me started on soccer players.”