Page 135 of The Man of the Hour
He was putty in her hands, yet he felt stronger than ever before. He hung on to awareness before he hurtled into climax. “Tell me.”
“I like that you like it,” she moaned.
Cum arced from him, painting a pattern of need across the sheets. His ass clamped down on the silicone rod, fluttering and squeezing, and fuck if it wasn’t the highest pleasure he’d ever felt, the most intense orgasm of his life. Sonia moaned with him in synchrony, her hand never leaving his cock.
When she pulled out, he felt new. Unnamed. Reborn.
The bed sank and rose as she climbed off it. Faintly, he heard water splashing in the bathroom. The lights, which had shone brightly this whole time, flicked off, and soft darkness settled over the room.
Sonia returned, curling up in his arms, and he welcomed her eagerly. The look on her face told him she felt reborn too.
The day after the wedding
5:34 a.m.
Atapping on the door woke Sonia.
The pale, rosy light of dawn outlined the heavy curtains. This was her hotel room, she thought sleepily, opening heavy-lidded eyes. A cool pillow was bunched under her cheek, and an arm was draped over her — Brendan’s arm, his chest warm and solid against her back.
She blinked at his crumpled tux lying on the carpet. Her red dress was puddled next to it, along with her harness. Memories of the night before throbbed through her body. When she stroked Brendan’s arm, he sighed and pulled her closer.
The tapping grew louder. Who was knocking on the door so early? They must have the wrong room.
Sonia snuggled into Brendan’s embrace, letting her thoughts drift. They’d be going back to DC today. Making the seven-hour drive together — this time, as a couple. In arelationship.It was in the air, obvious and inescapable.
The last thing she wanted to do now was escape him.
The knock came on the door again, light but insistent. Sonia cursed under her breath.
Climbing out of bed, she pulled on her red silk robe, careful not to wake Brendan, who was sleeping peacefully with a smile on his lips. As quietly as she could, she opened the door.
Diana stood in front of her, wearing a fuzzy white robe belted tightly at the waist. Her wedding makeup was gone, but her dark hair still held its curls, falling tousled over her shoulders.
“Di?” Sonia whispered. “What’s going on? Aren’t you getting on a plane for your honeymoon in a few hours?”
Diana glanced past Sonia at Brendan stretched out in bed. “Can we talk?”
“Of course.” Sonia laughed a little. “Is it urgent?”
“I just couldn’t sleep.”
“This way.” Sonia led her past the bed on tiptoe, sliding open the glass door to the balcony. Once they were outside, she shut it carefully. Brendan didn’t stir.
Diana sat down on one of the balcony’s white chairs, shivering in the cool morning air. She laced her fingers together as Sonia sat opposite her.
“Was your wedding night okay?” Sonia asked.
“The wedding night was amazing.” Diana flashed a small smile. “Ian’s still asleep. Let’s just say there was a lot of energy expended.”
“I’m sure you two went at it like rabbits.” Sonia studied Diana, trying to figure out the awkwardness in the air. “I can’t believe Brendan didn’t wake up when you came in,” she added, feeling like she was making conversation with Diana in a way she’d never had to do before.
“I know. They’re both such heavy sleepers.”
There was something in Diana’s voice, like the words went far deeper than the surface, that set Sonia on alert.