Page 36 of The Boys Next Door
“Ian,” she panted. “Iaaan…”
Everything swam in front of her eyes. The bed dropped away. It was just Ian, all around her, filling her completely. Oh God. It was more pleasure than she could take, and he just didn’t stop. All she could do was relax into his hands and open to him, more and more.
She cried out into his neck, whimpering, as her orgasm washed over her in slow warm waves. Her juice-slicked cunt and ass rippled around his thick fingers, contracting again and again with glorious tightness.
Finally, the sensations subsided. Slowly, even gently, Ian eased his fingers out of her. Panting for breath, she rested her head on his chest, feeling it rise and fall.
The moon had risen, outlining her bookshelves and desk and dresser. Diana moved her head back onto the pillow to get a better look at Ian, although there wasn’t much light to go by. From this angle, she could just see the dark freckle under his left eye. She touched it lightly with a fingertip to make sure it was there, and that little smile tugged at his mouth.
“What were you thinking?” she whispered, too relaxed right now to be irritated with him.
“Who said I was thinking?” His grin widened.
She tried to tug one of the pillows out from under his head so she could throw it at him, but Ian’s hand closed over the plump cotton, and anyway, it felt like too much effort right now. “Coming in here, making me guess like that.”
“Just checking. To see if you were paying attention.” Now his dimples were showing.
By all rights she should be blushing now, but the effects of the joint still lingered through her body. This had been another one of Ian’s pranks, that’s all. “And what if I thought you were Brendan?”
Ian just nipped her neck, wedging his heavy leg firmly between her soft thighs.
“Someone’s been a bad girl tonight,” he whispered. He cupped the swell of Diana’s breast, rubbing it underneath where it felt especially good, and she sighed, enjoying it too much to drag the conversation backward. “I can smell the weed on you. First time?”
She tried to shrug casually. “How’d you guess?” A sudden tickle of panic curled through her stomach. “Do you think— My parents—“
“Just take a shower in the morning. And put your fan in the window. I’ll do it.”
He rolled out of bed. Diana watched him, naked in the sliver of moonlight, as he went to get her box fan from the corner. She couldn’t drag her eyes away from his easy movements, the play of light and shadows over his long body and sleek muscles.
Jeez, he was so gorgeous, it hurt. The question she really wanted to ask was,What are you doing here — alone?But she had no idea what kind of answer she’d get.
She cleared her throat. “What’s Brendan up to tonight?”
Ian shrugged, maddeningly. “Stuff. We don’t keep tabs on each other all the time. We just give each other the rundown afterwards.”
“I thought you were inseparable.”
“Usually.” The slow grin he gave her made her insides turn over. He bent to plug the box fan in.
“Have you guys ever had a fight?” she asked, suddenly curious. “Or do you just make agreements?”
Ian looked over his shoulder, startled. He put the box fan in the window, turned it on, and climbed back into bed next to her.
“Our last fight was when we were seven.” He lay back against the pillow. “I don’t remember what the hell it was about. We got mad about something and we started whaling on each other. Neither of us was winning. We just kept trying to beat the crap out of each other.” As he turned to her, his breath stirred her cheek. The box fan whirred, making lazy waves through the air. “In the end, we knew we couldn’t win that way. We’d just keep fighting forever. So we made an agreement to never fight again, and we never have.” A warm hand rested on her stomach. Ian’s voice was soothing. She leaned her head against his shoulder. “I couldn’t make it without Brendan. He knows I always have his back, and I know he always has mine.”
“What do you mean, you couldn’t make it?” she murmured. He was rubbing her stomach now in slow circles, teasing just below her belly button, and her nipples were beginning to pucker.
Ian shrugged. “Brendan’s the smart one.”
“He isn’t any smarter than you are.” Surprised, Diana pushed herself up on her elbows. “He's just more conscientious.” Her voice was so indignant that Ian began to laugh.
“It's really okay, Diana,” he whispered into her neck, easing her back down to him. “There's more to life than kissing academic ass. Maybe someday you’ll find out.”
That’s not the same thing—she wanted to say, but what came out was, “At least I’m good at that.”
Ian gave her a withering look, but his scornful expression faded as she stared back at him, then dropped her eyes.
“What?” He pinched her hip, and she reflexively smacked his hand away.