Page 8 of The Boys Next Door
Why was he doing this? Why was she doing this? And why was hot desire arrowing through her body along with fury? Confused, panting, and painfully aroused, she raked her nails down his back and bit his lower lip, hard.
“Fuck,yes,” he muttered. Diana’s head swam as he sucked on her neck. “I knew you had it in you.”
Keeping one powerful arm around her waist, he cut through the water with the other, swimming swiftly to the far end of the pool. Diana could only hang on to his shoulders as he maneuvered her backward.
Shrouded in darkness at the back of the pool, Ian’s head blocked out the pinpoints of light on the patio. Diana couldn’t see his features or his expression; she could only feel the power in his body as he grabbed the rim of the pool with his right hand and engulfed her lips again.
His muscled bulk pressed her firmly back against the side of the pool. Her arms clung to his neck. What was going on between their mouths could only be described as making out. And — oh Jesus, his left hand was roaming all over her body, squeezing and pinching her flesh in a way that should leave her feeling completely violated but just spread fire wherever he touched.
She pulled back from his thrusting tongue, gasping for breath. Ian didn’t make it easy for her, keeping her lower lip between his teeth for a long second before he let go.
“Stop it,” she hissed. “Stop making fun of me. I know you don’t really want me.”
Her cheeks were crimson. Her stomach turned somersaults, and her pussy ached with arousal. He was too close and it was too dark and she was too excited and angry to even think about the crushing shyness getting in the way.
In response, Ian grabbed her hand and pressed it over the hard bulge bursting through his swim trunks. Stunned and more than a little curious, Diana squeezed instinctively before she pulled her hand away.
“Right,” he grunted. “I don’t want you. Keep thinking that.”
“You’re just playing with me.” This couldn’t be real. Her buzzing head, her heavy warm body, Ian’s hand and mouth everywhere again as the water lapped around them.
“Maybe I’m just pissed Brendan got here first,” Ian rasped in her ear. “Did you think about that? And either he’s been lying to me, or you’ve been lying to him. You know what to do with a boy.”
“Fuck you,” she gasped. Was this conversation even happening? Was any of this happening?
“Ask nicely.” In the dim light, Diana could barely see his cocky grin. His mouth swallowed hers again, and God help her, she was actually moaning into his mouth and sucking his lower lip. His roaming hand brushed against her heavy breast, then cupped it. She cried out into his mouth. “Goddamn, your tits are incredible,” he muttered.
His big fingers felt much too good, kneading her voluptuous flesh, and — yes — she was pushing her hard pearl of a nipple into his palm, rubbing against his touch as they kissed.
Suddenly he pulled back, his eyes flicking upward. Diana twisted, following his gaze. Brendan stood above them by the edge of the pool, smiling happily.
“So she said yes?” he asked.
And right in front of her eyes, he skimmed his swim trunks over his hips and stepped out of them. Diana goggled. That couldn’t be his thick cock, engorged and pointing toward her and silhouetted in the light from the lanterns. But it was, and he was lowering himself noiselessly into the pool on her right side while Ian fondled her breast from the left.
“Said yes to what?” Diana demanded. “What are you talking about? I haven’t said yes to anything — oh God,” she broke off with a moan.
Ian was pinching her puckered nipple, rolling it between his fingers. He chuckled softly, but she could feel his pulse going faster against her arm twined around his neck, and his cock jerked against her thigh.
“Let us take care of you, Diana,” Brendan whispered. He was right up against her now, cupping her chin like he was about to kiss her again. Something brushed against her leg underwater — his bare cock? “You need experience. You need to get over your shyness. We can help you.” And he was smiling at her like he was suggesting something perfectly reasonable.
“We?” she stammered. “Us?”
“Me and Ian.” His voice was as patient as it had been when they were kids and he was explaining the rules of a game.
“At the same time? Are you crazy?” Her head was heavy or light, she couldn’t tell which. Ian was running a finger inside the top of her swimsuit bottoms, inches above her pussy, pulsing with need. “Both of you—“
“Both, or neither.”
“I don’t—“
“You can trust us, sweetness.” Brendan nuzzled her neck. She tried to get her breath under control, but it wasn’t happening. Trust them? Definitely not Ian, and she wasn’t so sure about Brendan, either. “We’ve known each other forever. We’ll make you feel so good.”
His voice was coaxing. Diana shuddered, water lapping her body, as Ian caressed her belly, driving the heat between her legs higher and higher.
“We used to know each other. We’re different now.”
“Yes and no.” Leaning forward, he gave her a soft, sticky kiss. “What do you think?”