Page 136 of Until Forever
Jenna opened her palm and revealed a string of perfectly matched dark green beads.
“That’s Imperial Jade,” I whispered.
Stella and Cassie crowded in.
“Isn’t that the necklace that some Japanese tycoon gave his American movie star mistress?” Cassie squeaked.
Stella elbowed Cassie’s side, “Yeah, we saw it inUS Magazinewhile we were drooling over Miles Teller.”
“He issohot,” Cassie said, rolling her eyes.
“This has to be worth a fortune,” Jenna said, looking up at Margo.
Margo shrugged, “I figure it can get the kid through college. If he wants to go.”
“Or perhaps float the economy of his own small nation,” Layla offered.
“Totally legal. This time,” Margo grinned.
“What did you do?” Jenna asked.
And I realized that despite how little the rest of the club knew about Margo, Jenna seemed to know quite a lot. And be perfectly comfortable with her husband working closely with another woman.
“Brokered a trade,” Margo answered. “The tycoon and actress broke up, so fences around the world expected it to either hit an auction house or the black market, depending on who could acquire it first.”
“The tycoon didn’t want it back?” Stella asked. “The article said it was worth a mint.”
“He told her to keep it as a memento of the time they’d shared,” Margo answered. “It was actually very romantic on his part.”
“But the actress wanted something else more than the memories?” Gabby asked.
“A leading role opposite Tom Cruise in his next blockbuster,” Margo grinned and then sipped from her glass.
“How’d you manage that” I asked, stunned by the story Margo was spinning.
“I couldn’t guarantee the role, of course,” Margo said. “But I did get her in front of the casting director. She was willing the trade the Imperial Jade Zenith for the meeting.”
“That’s its name?” Jenna asked.
Margo nodded, “That’s its name.”
“You know we won’t ever sell this,” Jenna said, clutching the necklace to her chest. “Talon won’t part with it.”
“Then when he’s old enough, give it to the boy. It’s for him anyway.”
Jenna nodded with tears shining in her eyes, “We will.”
I cocked my head, “What’s the story with you and Talon?”
“How’d you two start working together?” Gabby tagged on.
Margo waved a hand, “It’s a long story.”
Layla crossed her arms over her chest and grinned, “And we’ve got nothing but time and tequila.”
Margo was about to launch into her backstory with Talon when I heard my name called from across the lot.
I turned to the double doors of the main building to see Claire Dupree heading toward us, drink in hand.