Page 15 of Until Forever
And when the smile Smokey smiled hit her eyes, Tex hoped like hell his brother hurried.
Scrawling his name across the bottom of an import form, Brick glanced up at the growl of a Harley.
He just had time to close the file before Talon hit the door.
Brick’s office at the Savannah port authority was 1970’s industrial, but the view was sweet, and if you didn’t mind wrought iron steps, the office was off the beaten path enough that Brick had the privacy to do what Brick did, so Brick didn’t mind the steps.
“You rang?” Talon asked, boots clomping across the floor until he dropped his ass in a Naugahyde rolling chair and propped his feet on Brick’s desk.
“What is it with you and the boot prop?” Brick asked, knocking Talon’s boots to the floor.
“Just making myself at home,” Talon grinned.
Brick frowned, “Knocking up your woman agrees with you entirely too much.”
“I know,” and Talon’s grin broke into a full-blown smile.
Brick gave a full body shiver, “I think I’m gonna yak.”
“Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it,” Talon shot back.
“That’s what they say about threesomes and weirdo food like guacamole. You know, fun shit.”
“So your name’s not in the pot to be godfather?” Talon laughed.
“Fuck, no. I’d scar that kid for life.”
“Suit yourself,” Talon shrugged.
Brick narrowed his eyes. “What does that mean?”
“I’ll put a C-note on it.”
“On what?”
“You’ll be Uncle Brick before the kid’s a week old.”
Brick held out a hand, “Easy money, my man.”
They shook.
Then Brick went on, “Happy as fuck for you. Just don’t want any part of it for me.”
Brick was thankful when Talon let the matter drop on a shrug.
He crossed to the Rhino Ironworks safe he’d gotten Ryder to help him haul up the steps and into his office, rolled through a combination, and opened the black iron door.
“You got a whale who can handle a quarter mil on the fly?” Brick asked, pulling a blue velvet case out of the vault.
Talon reached forward, “My girl came through again, didn’t she?”
“Never seen anything like it,” Brick agreed, totally impressed with the thief across the pond.
Talon eased the case open and whistled.