Page 162 of Until Forever
I bit the inside of my lip, completely intrigued, and wondering how far Gate would be willing to take our newly found interest in bedroom kink. “You must be really good at this,” I observed.
Nine lifted a shoulder, “That’s why I’m here and not someone else.”
“Good point,” I muttered. We neared the front entrance, “When does the whole submissive thing start? Now?”
Nine shook his head, “Only if we decide we need to get into a scene. Until then, we’re just a couple on a date.”
“A very expensive date,” I whispered.
“The right woman, and money doesn’t matter. Andtothe right woman, money doesn’t matter.”
I tilted my head and studied Nine’s profile. He was full of all kinds of surprises.
He opened the door for me, and we were engulfed in tasteful opulence.
And then there were the people. I saw everything from designer tuxes and evening gowns to people wearing barely more than their jewelry.
“Keep your eyes inside your head,” Nine chuckled.
“Sorry,” I muttered. “Not used to seeing this much skin while I’m at work.”
Nine picked up two glasses of champagne from the tray of a passing waiter and offered one to me.
He lifted his glass to mine, “To trying new things.”
I smiled, knowing Gate was listening to every word, even if I couldn’t hear his reply. “To trying new things with the love of my life.”
Nine bit back a smile, “Stop it. You’re going to make the man choke to death.”
Champagne bubbles tickled my nose, and I decided to go for it, “No, I’m hoping that’s what he’ll do to me.”
Nine’s eyes danced, “So many things come to mind right now….”
We circled the room, Nine nodding and greeting the people he knew and receiving introductions to those he didn’t.
I wouldn’t call the spectacle boring, but it certainly wasn’t what I expected.
No mention of drugs, no one who appeared forced to be here. So far, it was just a really upscale party.
“Disappointed?” Nine asked, settling a hand at my back as we neared the corner of the courtyard.
We turned so that we faced the open space, a white swagged tent with white chairs and a white leather bar against one wall. Chandeliers hung from the top of the tent, the light glittering from cut crystal and what must have been millions of dollars’ worth of diamonds throughout the courtyard.
“The place is definitely running light on black latex,” I grinned.
“Night’s not over yet,” Nine pointed out. “In fact, it just got more interesting.”
I raised my glass to my lips, “What do you see?”
Nine nuzzled into my neck, like he was kissing me there, but his voice went straight razor blades, “Freemont is here. Repeat, Freemont is here.”
I sucked in a surprised breath, “He showed up? I thought we might get one of his flunkies if we were lucky.”
“Man like him can’t resist,” Nine said.
Freemont surveyed the room, his gaze stopping on me and Nine before continuing to drift over the room.
“He saw us,” I said, stating the obvious for the brothers listening in.