Page 31 of Until Forever
“Why don’t you stay?” Gate asked, his voice not much more than a growl.
My eyes went wide. I hadn’t heard that tone in so long, I wasn’t sure if he was pissed at me or trying to scare me to death.
“Ummmm, I should probably go,” I stammered, still staring up into the eyes the color of blazing emeralds.
“Brent waiting on you at home?” Gate asked, and the smirk that played around his mouth told me exactly what he thought of that idea.
“Yeah, that’s it,” I latched on, thankful for the excuse to leave.
“But look at Stella,” Gate said, nodding toward our girl. “She looks like you just kicked her puppy.”
I whirled around and caught the tail end of Stella’s pouty face.
And about that time, I felt it.
Gate grazed his fingers down my back, an almost not touch that rocked me to my core.
Desire bloomed, and heat pooled in my center. I felt a blush hit my cheeks, and I took my first step around Gate and toward the door.
“Stay, mom,” Stella called out.
“Fuck,” I muttered, stopped in my tracks.
And I heard the rumble of Gate’s laughter behind me.
Touching Anna without grabbing her and pulling her close had been the hardest thing Gate had done in the past fifteen years, and he’d done some tough shit.
Then the scent of her hair had hit him, and that had gone straight to his cock, and he’d had to grit his teeth just for enough self-control to let his fingers linger on her back and then let her go.
As a plan, it seemed to be working because she was definitely more flustered than he was, but he wasn’t sure how long he could keep up the charade without burying his nose in her neck and telling her that he knew the truth.
Deuce must have caught that look on his face because the brother frowned and shook his head one time, and Gate forced himself to lock his shit tight.
Now, he knew about the lie Anna had told him and their kids. He just didn’t knowwhyshe’d told it. And given what he knew about his woman, and he was determined that’s how he was going to think of her from now on, not that he’d ever really stopped, that reason must have been straight from hell for her to tear their family apart.
And based on what Deuce had said, Talon held another piece of the puzzle, and Gate wasn’t going to rest until he got it out of the brother, whatever he had to do to make that happen.
Gate followed Anna back to her perch with Layla at the bar, staying close enough to hear her conversation with Layla but not crowding.
Wasn’t long before Brick joined, and then Deuce stacked up, so the brothers were standing three deep with the prospect Ruger pulling beers and pouring liquor.
Forearms to bar, Brick leaned in, “What’s doing with the ex-wife?”
“It’s a baby shower for Sweet,” Gate said. “No harm in her being here.”
“Since when?” Brick pushed.
“Since we just learned what we learned,” Deuce whispered.
“Which is?” Brick asked.
“She’s not anex-wife,” Deuce answered.
“She’s not anexanything,” Gate corrected.