Page 36 of Until Forever
“Yeah,” Talon said, glancing over his shoulder to where Jenna laughed with her girls who were directing his brothers hauling gifts out to the monster of a truck he’d bought the day he’d found out his girl was pregnant. He grinned, “This might take a while.”
Gate chuckled, “You need to help?”
“You mean get in the way of the fun they’re having? Hell, no.” Talon faced Gate again, “Who else you want?”
Gate glanced around the common room. Then, “Deuce and Brick. And send someone after Stash and Rooster. I need some answers.”
Gate turned for the stairs that led to his office with Talon on his six.
That many brothers in his office was a tight fit, but they made it work.
Deuce propped in his usual corner.
Brick filling the doorway.
Talon sprawled in a chair across from Gate who sat behind his desk.
And Stash and Rooster, with only one MacBook between them this time.
Once settled, Talon started in, “You wanna explain downstairs?”
Gate leaned forearms on his desk and caught his best friend’s gaze. He nodded toward Stash and Rooster, “Our brothers here have discovered some very interesting information that Anna doesn’t know that I know.”
Talon nodded, “What’s that?”
“First,” Gate started, “Anna is working undercover for the FBI.”
Talon sat up straighter, “She’s not an attorney?”
“Nah, that part is legit,” Stash threw in.
Talon nodded, “And her op is in the sex trade.”
“That didn’t sound like a guess,” Gate said. “How’d you know?”
“Intel I got about the girls’ location was from her,” Talon admitted.
Gate smirked Talon’s way, “And you didn’t think to mention?”
“Wasn’t sure how that information would be received, and saving the girls was more important, so I made an executive decision,” Talon said on a shrug.
“Good move,” Brick muttered from where he stood in the door.
Gate shot Brick a glance but went on, nodding at Deuce, “You weren’t the only one who had ideas about Anna’s occupation.”
Talon looked over at his shoulder to where Deuce propped in the corner. “What’s doing?”
Now it was Deuce’s turn to shrug, “Followed you to the meet with Anna and listened in.”
“Followed me?” Talon frowned.
“Hid behind her car.”
“Holy fuck,” Talon said, shaking his head.
“Just doing my job,” Deuce offered, not an ounce of remorse in his tone.
“And I’ll just point out that neither one of you motherfuckers said anything to me,” Gate said, leaning back in his chair.