Page 46 of Until Forever
And Brick had learned to be okay with that.
It was a hell of a sacrifice, but his club was worth it.
As Brick left the Atlantic further and further behind, the tang of salt in the air changed to something else. Something more earthy. Like the summer scent of freshly mown grass mixed in with the sap of pine trees.
His Harley ate up the miles, and with his mind in neutral, time flew.
Brick clocked the Statesboro exit and realized he’d gone farther than he intended, but it was a good night for a long ride.
He made the exit and turned right on Highway 67 toward Georgia Southern University.
Brick rolled into a BP and coasted to a stop, planning to stretch his legs and then head back to the compound. He could still be in his bed before midnight.
But before he could accomplish any of those things, he felt the phone vibrate in his pocket.
Boots on pavement, he checked the number.
Brick could think of not one person outside the states he wanted to hear from. But considering the serious lack of people who had his number, he answered anyway.
He slid a finger across the screen, “You got Brick. Who the fuck is this?”
“Hello, Brick,” a younger female voice with a British accent clipped out. “This is Margo.”
And just like that, all of Brick’s scattered thoughts coalesced into a razor’s edge of focus.
“You looking for Talon?” Brick asked, uncertain why Talon’s European contact would call him.
“No, I’m most certainly looking for you,” Margo answered.
Brick closed his eyes. Fuck, but she sounded sexy.
He reminded himself that Talon had mentioned being old enough to be her father. That put Brick somewhere in thefavorite uncleage division.
Clearing his throat, he wrestled his head back into the game, “Whatcha need?”
“Could you please pass word along to Talon that I think I’m being followed?”
“Then why the fuck are you calling me?” Brick growled, rolling his eyes at the girl’s incompetence. He’d thought she had her shit together.
“Jenna’s baby shower was today, so I assume the happy couple are celebrating, and I didn’t want to interrupt. Thereisa time difference, you know. Also, I’m on a disposable, which I’m going to destroy as soon as we hang up. No one on this side of the pond will ever know I contacted you.”
Brick raised a brow at that, surprised that the girl knew so much about his brother and his doings, but all he said was, “What about Talon?”
“He gave me your number, which I memorized, and told me to call you ifshit ever went south, is, I believe, how he put it.”
“Sounds like him,” Brick grinned. “So, is shit going south?”
“I’m not certain, but I see red flags, and Talon did mention that you could handle anything.”
The spark that ignited in Brick’s chest at hearing that fromthisvoice drove out some of the darkness that he’d always assumed he’d live with for the rest of his life.
And he wondered what it would take for this woman to fan that spark into a flame.
Fuck a flame. He wanted an inferno.
And he wanted to go up in ashes in the middle of it.