Page 53 of Until Forever
“Whoisshe?” Lucky breathed.
“She’s still the same mom you’ve always had,” Gate answered. “Just….” Gate paused, looking for the right word. “More.”
And that drew Lucky’s attention right back to his reason for coming in early in the first place. “You want her back, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” Gate agreed. “I’ve always wanted her back.”
Lucky digested this and then, “You got a plan?”
Gate returned to his chair, “First, don’t be pissed at your mom. I’ve got a feeling there’s more to this situation than we know.”
Lucky chewed on that a minute and then nodded, “I’ll try.”
“Do better than try,” Gate said. “She’s a good woman. Whatever her reasons, they had to be good ones.”
“Yes, sir,” Lucky agreed.
“Second,” Gate went on, “I’m gonna remind her of why she married me to begin with.”
Lucky made choking noises, “Sounds kinda gross.”
“It’s definitely gross,” Talon said, glancing up for the first time.
Gate cocked a brow at his best friend, “Says the nearly fifty-year-old with a baby on the way.”
Talon grinned, “That wasn’t gross. That was talent….art….symphony….”
“I’m gonna throw up,” Lucky mumbled.
“One more thing,” Gate said, gaining Lucky’s attention again. “Where’s Stella gonna be with all this?”
Lucky’s half grin split into a smile, “Your biggest cheerleader. She’s been trying to get Mom to go out on a date for months.”
“How’s’ your mom feel about that?” Gate asked.
Lucky shrugged, “She tries to act like she’s not interested. I mean, she’s got this whole Brent charade going.” Lucky paused, and Gate watched realization dawn on his son’s face. “But her whole life has been me and Stella….her work. Now we’re grown, and I think she’s lonely.”
“Poor woman,” Talon muttered. “She won’t know what hit her.”
Chapter Fourteen
We Have a Code Red
Church had gone pretty much the way Talon thought it would.
Cash, the old battle-axe of a CPA, had dropped by to go over the financials. Nobody who saw Cash at his day job would ever dream of the MC ink under his tailored Brooks Brothers.
Cash had hit it and quit it, and then Gate had navigated the brothers through the rest of the agenda, as Stash and Rooster called their meeting outline. Talon thought it was funny as shit that his club was better organized that most Fortune 500s. Some of the red tape struck him as bullshit, but he couldn’t argue with the bottom line, which is what all the brothers were interested in anyway.
And then Gate had dropped theAnna bomb, as Talon had started thinking of it, and once the brothers realized where Gate’s head was with his non-ex-wife, they’d gotten on board.
The new intel changed Anna’s status in their hierarchy. She’d always been given her due because she was Lucky and Stella’s mother.
But now….
Being Gate’s wife put her in a totally different stratosphere. The brothers had always treated her with a distant respect. Not going out of their way to cause problems, but not going out of their way to be kind either. Talon had a feeling things would go very differently if she ever showed up at the compound again.