Page 55 of Until Forever
Skipping the front entrance to head straight to the back patio where Gate knew Talon would be camped out by the grill, Gate let himself through the wooden fence at the side of the house.
Talon looked up from the steaks he was working with marinade. “That was fast,” he grinned.
Gate crossed a pea gravel walkway, stopped at the cooler, and pulled out a beer. “Didn’t know how long she’d actually stay here. Didn’t want her to get spooked.”
Talon tipped his own beer back and gestured toward the window of the sunroom. “Still here.”
Gate followed Talon’s gaze and caught sight of Anna with her head thrown back, laughing at something Jenna had said.
“Holy shit,” he breathed.
“Haven’t seen her this way in a while,” Talon said.
“No,” Gate agreed. “Me either.”
“Wine’s good,” Talon pointed out.
“Jenna’s better,” Gate corrected. “How in God’s name did she get Anna here?”
Talon shrugged, “Some bullshit story about needing help in the nursery. Then she got Anna to ride over with Lucky, so once Lucky and Cass left, Anna was stuck, and my woman, who is not only beautiful but also sneaky as fuck, plied her with wine.”
Gate laughed and shook his head, “Your girl’s good at getting her way, that’s for damned sure.”
And they both knew that Gate was referring to the year before when Jenna had talked her way into the MC president’s office and changed the course of Talon’s life forever.
“Gave you a lot of shit for that at the time, but I thank God every day you let her in,” Talon said.
“Whatcha think she’s gonna do when she realizes I’m here?” Gate asked, turning away from the house so that if Anna did glance outside, she wouldn’t catch him staring.
“Let Jenna get enough wine into her, she won’t run,” Talon chuckled.
And about the time Talon finished his sentence, Jenna stuck her head out the back door, “Code red! We have a code red!”
Talon turned to face her. “What’s a code red?” he asked across the patio.
“She saw Gate and left!” Jenna stage whispered.
“She doesn’t have a car,” Talon frowned.
“She’swalking,” Jenna said.
“Fuck,” Gate muttered, setting his beer bottle on the nearest table. “Be back.” He started for the gate to the driveway.
“You staying for dinner?” Talon asked his back.
Gate didn’t answer, just kept tracking his woman. He caught up with her before she reached the end of the street.
“Anna,” Gate said.
He doubted she would have stopped if the light hadn’t caught her, but she had to wait on traffic, so Gate figured he had about thirty seconds to make his play.
“Sorry,” Anna said, glancing up, “didn’t know you were coming.”
“Is that why you’re leaving? Because I showed up?” Gate asked.
Anna avoided the question and went with, “I don’t want to impose. I’m sure Jenna and Talon had dinner plans.” She stood, staring at the light, worrying with a bracelet on her wrist.