Page 86 of Until Forever
“Yeah,” I nodded on a smile. “Party at my house.”
Chapter Twenty-Four
Our Cards Are on the Table
Gate followed Talon through the wooden double doors into the Iron Dragons’ version of church, which was much more techno and much less dive bar than it had been when Moose was running the show.
The hum of conversation died down as Gate neared his seat at the head of the table.
His phone buzzed as he sat down, and he glanced at the screen.
Anna: Taking the girls to my house. Apparently, there’s a party?
Gate grinned.
Jenna was doing her Jenna thing, which didn’t surprise him in the least, but Anna having the girls over this soon was a shocker.
“All good?” Deuce asked from his place a couple of chairs away.
“Getting there,” Gate replied, putting ass to leather. “Not done yet, but a hell of a sight closer than I was.”
“Where’s Lowe?” Ryder wondered aloud.
“Anna’s taking the girls to her house. Maybe he’s with them,” Gate said. “Let’s get this done, boys.”
The brothers settled in, and Stash and Rooster did their gogo gadget routine while Gate went on, “Ryde, what’s your take on the trip up north?”
Ryder leaned in, forearms to table, “Not much to tell. Uneventful ride. Caught some stares, but nothing out of the way. Then met up with Lowe, stayed at his house. Hospitality was rich. Never made it on his compound. Never saw Moose.”
That snagged Gate’s attention, “Lowe never took you onto property?”
Ryder shook his head, “Didn’t make it that far.”
“Why not?” Talon chimed in.
“Spent one night at their place, and the next morning, Lowe was gone. I didn’t show at their compound uninvited, and by the time he rode back in, he had Holly pack up and get ready for the trip south.”
“So riding with was his idea,” Gate guessed.
“Yeah, surprised me to be honest,” Ryder agreed, settling back in his chair.
“Whatcha make of that?” Talon asked, directing the question to Gate.
“Not sure,” Gate murmured. Gaze on Stash and Rooster at the opposite end of the table, he went on, “We got eyes on the Daggers?”
Rooster looked up like a deer caught in headlights, “Ummm, didn’t know we needed ‘em, but no prob. On it now.” He dropped into a chair and went rabid on a keyboard, “Gimme a sec.”
“Stash, you got my photos?” Gate asked.
Stash threw techno up on the big screen, “You know it.”
“As Stash and Rooster discovered, Anna works with the FBI. And now she knows that I know, so that’s easier going and a new avenue of information.”
Stash flipped through some of the same photos that Gate, Talon, Deuce, and Brick had already seen.
“This is Anna with her partner Brent.”