Page 28 of Dance for Me
“We’ll just see how things progress before we plan lessons, Connie. Boadicea has a lot to consider before we even get to that stage.”
Bodie flailed as he slipped an arm under her knees and one around her back. Still wrapped in the blanket, she couldn’t stop him from rising with her in his grasp—not that the fluffy material made a bit of difference. She imagined if he wanted to pick her up with anvils attached to her feet, he would do so. “You don’t have to carry me!”
“I reserve the right to treat you like I would any...woman I care for,” Braun admonished. “That includes my mother, sisters, and nieces. So, shush and enjoy the ride. Just relax, Bodie. You’re completely safe, I promise.”
“Your word?” she asked, remembering how he issued his promises.
He inclined his head as he made the step out of the pit. “My word, little one.”
She’d already learned how to tell when he was in his Dominant headspace, she realized, and when he was...normal? Was that the right term? Less bossy than usual? The Dominant called her little one, which didn’t creep her out as such, but it did make her feel weird. She wasn’t little, but when he called her that, it smothered her with warmth.
His other persona called her darlin’.
She liked that.
“ you think I could go to the bathroom? Please?” That bottle of water had gone straight through her, and her bladder was kicking up a fuss.
“Well, you asked so nicely, I’m sure I can arrange that.” He veered off to the left, long strides making short work of the distance. Within thirty seconds, he deposited her gently on her feet outside a door and held her until she was steady. “I’ll wait right here for you, little one.”
Some of her usual fire began to rouse. “I’m not five, Braun. I think I can go tinkle and find my way to your office just fine.”
His eyes narrowed and she could see the protest in them. After a moment’s pause, he seemed to consider the effect that would have, and he nodded. “All right. There won’t be any scenes when you come out—most members prefer to sit and socialize for a while before playing. If you get turned around or need anything, you know the Masters now. They’ll point you in the right direction.”
Feeling cocky now she wasn’t snuggled up to him, she snarked. “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.” Her startled gasp echoed between them when he grabbed her chin in a firm grasp.
“That smart mouth of yours drives me fucking crazy,” he growled. “One day, when you’re comfortable with me and this, I’ll show you exactly what a Dom does to a mouth as sassy as yours.” He ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “Fuck it. I told myself I wouldn’t touch you, Boadicea, but you tempt me beyond imagination.”
His head bent and, before she could squeak a protest or belt him, his mouth skimmed over hers. Once. Twice. On the third pass, he licked the seam of her lips, a silent request for entry that dampened her panties. She denied him, only for his mouth to curve in a smile.
She swore she read his mind.
Challenge accepted.
His hands gripped her hips, keeping her flush against him and the rising bulge at his crotch. Again, his tongue caressed her lips, a little firmer this time, not quite insistent but definitely persuasive. When she refused him for the second time, a laugh rumbled in his chest, and he lifted her like he had in his office...only this time, when her legs hooked around his hips, the vulnerable vee between her legs rubbed tantalizing over his erection.
Her shocked gasp gave him the opportunity he needed, and he didn’t waste it. She moaned as his tongue swept into her mouth, teasing hers into a slow, explorative dance. Her hands slid into his hair of their own volition when her mind went blank and abdicated control of her body.
The kiss grew in strength, in passion.
Braun shifted them so her back rapped into the wall beside the bathroom door, his hips rocking into her. Beautiful friction turned vulnerability into outrageous need; Bodie shuddered, feeling as though the flesh between her legs might spontaneously combust if he didn’t stop. All the wetness she produced wouldn’t be able to dampen this fire.
Breath bordering on panting, she accepted the thrust of his tongue, trying valiantly to mimic the action and failing dismally. A sad sense of failure enveloped her, snapping her mind back into focus. With a whimper, she turned her head away and fought to suck in a breath.
“Good girl, Bodie. God, I shouldn’t have done that.” He peppered kisses over her jawline, down the side of her neck. “Now I’ll think of nothing but this and get fuck all done tonight. Are you okay?”
There was a high probability she couldn’t speak. Emotions rampaged through her like stampeding elephants, squeezing her throat tight and banding around her lungs. She managed a quick nod, but she couldn’t meet his eyes. Couldn’t afford to see the same affection in them that saturated his voice.
It might send her to her knees.
Bodie wriggled until Braun released her, then bolted into the bathroom before he could say anything else but her name. She shot straight into a stall and slammed the door, bolting it before sitting down heavily on the toilet. One hand pressed against the ache between her thighs, the other slapped over her swollen mouth.
What the fuck had she just done?
Sealed her fate, obviously. For fuck’s sake, why hadn’t she pushed him away, slapped him, done anything but capitulate? He’d have respected her wishes if she’d told him no. He was too keen on following his rules and morals to ignore a clear, concise refusal.
Instead, she’d turned it into a game, a challenge.
One he’d accepted.