Page 47 of Dance for Me
“I’m prepared to go to any lengths to keep you here with me, Bodie. If we don’t purge the shit festering inside you, we’ll end up having this battle every time we play, and then you’ll bolt. Neither of us want that. I’d rather you talk to me, but it’s more important that you talk to someone.” As his shoulders loosened, he kissed the tears off her cheeks. “Connie will listen, little one.”
She sniffled pitifully, sighed. Then she rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Braun. I don’t mean to hurt you.”
“You’re not. I’m hurting for you, Bodie.” Setting the half-empty bottle down on the table, Braun sent Jasper an apologetic smile. “I know it’s about time you were hunting your subbie down, J, but would you mind—”
“I’m on it. Your office?”
“Yeah, it’ll be quiet and private.”
“I’ll get it done. I’ll be busy for the rest of the evening; if you need me, send me a signal. I’ll finish up whatever I’m doing as fast as I can.”
“Appreciate it. Tell Connie the door’s open; we’ll be there shortly.”
Jasper evacuated the booth, taking his glass with him. Tapping two fingers on his forehead in silent salute, he marched off on his mission. The same starstruck subbie who’d made eyes at him before latched onto him, trotting along three feet behind.
Might have trouble there.
Dismissing it for now—Jasper was certainly big enough and mean enough to discourage an overly fascinated sub if he wished—Braun leaned back and relaxed, hoping it would help keep Bodie from thinking too much. His drink sat on the table but, with what was coming, he wasn’t keen on imbibing just yet. He’d need something later, he imagined.
“ want to do this now?”
At Bodie’s uncertain whisper, Braun nuzzled her hair. “I think it’s best, yes. I don’t like seeing you like this, little one. The sooner we get you talking to someone, the sooner we can ease this nightmare you’re living in.”
“But...she’s a Domme.”
“She is indeed, so she won’t take any evasive shit from you if your bitchy side comes back out to play.” Which he had no doubts it would. “She’s also a highly qualified, kink-friendly therapist. A few members see her on a regular basis, and they sing her praises, Bodie.”
She just huddled deeper into the blanket, pulling it in tightly around her. Another defense system activated. “Will she tell you what I say?”
“Absolutely not. Connie won’t repeat anything you say to her, not without your express permission. If there’s something you want her to tell me, just ask her. Everything else stays with her and her alone.”
“She’s your friend. You’re her boss.”
Braun hummed in agreement. “Connie and I are very good friends, yes. Have been for quite a few years now. Doesn’t mean she’ll violate your trust in her, Bodie. She thinks too much of herself and her reputation to ever break someone’s confidence. And as for me being her boss...we don’t have that type of relationship. I own Avalon; she’s a member here. A trusted, valued member who through her own actions earned her title as Mistress. Just as her morals, her hard work, and her nature earned her respect in her field.”
“What if I...” She peered up at him and he realized just how insecure she could be when her fears got hold of her. “What if the words won’t come out?”
“Well now, I guess that’s a good question.” He slipped his hand into her cocoon, the backs of his fingers skimming warm, smooth flesh. He hated how she tensed, really fucking hated that her first reaction to touch was always to shy away. Finding her hands tucked together, he grasped one, linking his fingers with hers. “If they won’t, I guess there’s a reason. Connie can help you find what that reason is and how to get past it.”
“M-Master Braun?”
Irritation welled up inside him as Bodie flinched, breaking vital eye contact and angling her head into his shoulder. Struggling to keep his voice easy, he focused on Jasper’s wannabe stalker submissive dancing nervously from foot to foot on the other side of the table. “Yes, subbie?”
“I’m really sorry to bother you, Master Braun,” she gulped when he arched a brow at her, “but Master Jasper asked me to come tell you the Mistress is waiting for you in your office.” Her voice cracked on a squeak.
Oh, sweet little thing, he’s going to eat you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if you’re not smart. “What’s your name, subbie?”
“My name, Master Braun?” She blinked in surprise.
“Your name, subbie,” he affirmed, amused by her bafflement. If she really was stuck on Jasper and ended up scening with him, the sadist would be toast. Jasper had been known to turn down more than one subbie who thought she had the stones to survive him—Braun wondered if his friend would have the strength to refuse this one; she seemed sweet and completely flappable, but there was something about her that screamed masochist.
“Oh, I’m Anarchy.” She flushed beautifully and Braun knew Jasper would just love marking up that flawless skin. “Everyone calls me Archie.”
Anarchy, how...apt. Braun offered her an innocuous smile. “Thank you for passing along the message, Archie. Go back to Master Jasper and tell him he has my approval; you’ve done well.” When she all but vibrated on the spot with joy, Braun stifled a laugh. She was a delightful little thing. “Go on now, subbie. Don’t keep him waiting.”
She quailed a bit then. “Oh no, Sir, he’s not playing with me tonight. He’s with Tiffany.” The edge of bitter jealous seemed out of character for the sweet subbie, saying volumes about what she thought of her sister submissive. “I’m just the errand girl, Master Braun.”
“Would you like me to find you someone to play with this evening, Archie?”