Page 96 of Dance for Me
As he walked across the parking lot, he heard her whisper, “Wheeeee!”
The night sky was dark with the odd spot of cloud blocking out an otherwise perfect blanket of scattered stars. The air was so still he could hear the low bass of whatever Liam had playing in the bar.
She weighed nothing, but when he let her slide down to the ground outside Avalon’s main doors, Braun discovered he missed her already. No matter how he touched her, the connection was quick and intense. Lasting. Her skin on his was a brand, searing deep and leaving marks.
“You tell me when you’ve had enough,” he ordered, infusing the words with dominance. Her eyes widened, silently acknowledging the command without backchat or sass. “I don’t care if everyone begs us to stay just ten minutes more, you will let me know when you’re ready to go home. And I’ll know, Boadicea.”
Her face carried serious lines when she peeked up at him, her eyes somber but not cowed. Good, she was learning she could behave as he expected and still be herself. “Yes, Sir. I will.”
“Good girl.” Braun walked ahead of her, checking for anything she could tangle herself up in. They’d realized quickly that things they hardly noticed in day-to-day living became killer obstacles when crutches got involved.
When he held his hand out to her, she propelled herself after him, beaming at Loki manning the sign-in desk. The joker grinned back, shoving out of his chair to round the desk for a better look.
“Well, now, ain’t that a pretty sight? Finally got your feet back under you and the knack of those dangerous things. Permission to hug the long-lost subbie?” Loki asked Braun, wiggling his eyebrows.
Braun rolled his eyes. “Hands above her waist, boy. And don’t take the piss—any longer than five seconds and we’ll be having words outside.”
“Damn, you’re strict.” Loki stepped forward and hugged Bodie quickly, fiercely. “Missed your smiling face, Boadicea.” He chucked her under the chin, giving her a wink, before he hastily stepped back and took cover behind his desk. “Summer crowd’s coming in fast tonight, Braun. Starting early.”
“People want to get naked when it’s hot and sunny.”
“I’d like to get naked,” Bodie muttered, then mimed zipping her lips shut as Loki laughed. “Sorry, Master Braun. Wouldn’t want to add any more spankings to my tally.”
Christ, he was tempted to shock her. Turn her face down on the desk and make her look Loki in the eyes as he yanked the sweatpants down her thighs and lit her ass up with his palm. It wasn’t hard to bring the sting of flesh on firm flesh to mind, and his hand tingled with anticipation. “Come on, troublemaker, before you end up sitting with your nose pressed in the corner all night.”
He didn’t miss the sassy little wave she gave Loki as Braun escorted her into the social area. Nor did he miss her jolt of shock as everyone present cheered as she hopped into the room, hollering and cheering with exuberant fervor. Several long whistles split the air.
Speechless, she swallowed hard, blinking quickly. “You did this for me?”
His arm curled around her back, his mouth pressing against the shell of her ear. Feeling her shake, he whispered, “No, little one. They did this for you. Everyone’s missed you. Avalon just hasn’t been the same without you.”
Her breath shuddered out. “Am I supposed to say something?”
“Only if you want to. I have a feeling you’ll be kept busy talking most of the night.” He led her forward, letting her bump along on her magic sticks, ready to catch her if she nosedived. A distinct possibility considering how she gaped at all the people around her.
They were keeping their distance—not crowding her, which pleased him. Reading her body language, he felt her trying to cope with the overwhelming sensations bombarding her as they crossed the room to the seating pit.
The Masters, save Loki, were waiting for them.
Atticus leaned back, arms spread across the edge. “Little miss, nice to see you almost back to normal. Has your Dom been mean and kept you locked up?”
Bodie recovered, her lips twitching. “Oh, you don’t know the half of it, Master Atticus. The meanie refuses to spank me!”
“The horror! Someone should take him to task for neglecting a perfectly willing little subbie like yourself.” Atticus stared at Braun. “What have you got to say for yourself, Fitzpatrick?”
Enjoying the banter, Braun pressed his hand to his chest. “There is no defense strong enough to refute the allegations, my friend. I have indeed neglected this poor, guileless woman. Feeding her, bathing her, kissing her boo-boos,” he said dramatically, his lips curving as Bodie’s mouth dropped open. “You have no idea what torment I’ve put this innocent creature through.”
Jasper coughed behind his hand. “Barbaric practices. I say take him outside and kick his ass. I can take care of the poppet if she’s desperate for her bottom warming up.”
“Best sit down before you can’t,” Braun told her when she gulped. He didn’t need to repeat himself; he’d never seen her move so quickly with her crutches in play. He settled beside her, tucking her into his side. “Don’t mess with the Masters, Bodie. It’s rare we don’t follow through with a threat.”
“Yeah, I might have forgotten that,” she mumbled, laying the crutches on the floor. Then she perked up, glancing around. “Is Connie here?”
Braun caught the eyes of his friends, subtly shook his head.
“Not tonight, I’m afraid, poppet. She had to work late, and I think Alicia’s been having nightmares again. She’ll be sorry she missed you; I know she feels guilty about not being able to catch up with you as much as she’d like at the moment.”
Bodie deflated. “No, it’s fine. It’s a relief to know someone’s been taking care of Alicia while I’ve been...” She shrugged, shifted her healing leg. “Well, you know. I hope Alicia understands why I haven’t let her come to visit.”