Page 104 of Cry For Me
What the fuck. Anarchy. Oh fuck. Anarchy. Scream. Anarchy.
"Anarchy, wake the fuck up."
Throat raw, she bolted awake. Stared around the familiar bedroom that held no trace of fog. She pressed her hand between her breasts, almost doubling over to suck in a breath. There was a thick arm around her waist, keeping her from toppling face first onto the carpet, and a big hand rubbed circles between her shoulder blades. "Help me."
"Do you know where you are, Anarchy?"
"No, little bit. Stop reacting and think.Where are you?" Atticus's voice thundered through the panic ricocheting through her nervous system like a bullet. "Sit up and take a look around. Tell me where you are."
Hell. She was in hell. Trapped with a dead body she had created. She gasped as her upper body catapulted into a sitting position. Strong fingers bit into her cheeks, forced her to look into tired green eyes filled with determination. As she whimpered, Atticus glowered at her. "I gave you an order, Anarchy. Tell me where you are!"
"B-Bedroom," she stuttered.
"Whose bedroom? Whose house?" he demanded, increasing the pressure on her face as she tried to curl into a ball.
"Br-Braun. M-Master Braun's house."
"Good girl. Okay, now tell me who I am."
Sweat trickled down her bare back, dotted her hairline. Panic sweat, she realized. Her heart felt like hummingbird wings in her chest. She touched the powerful arm holding her safe, and something calmed inside her. "Master Atticus."
He grunted when she twisted in his arms and threw her own around his neck. Shivering, she didn't care that she was naked. He was a grounding point, an anchor stopping her from falling back into the driver's seat and that continual nightmare. "Don't let go. Please don't let go."
"I've got you, little bit. Jasper made me promise I'd take you under my wing until he gets out of hospital."
"You've seen Jasper? Is he okay? Where is he?" Anarchy leaned back and grasped Atticus's bearded cheeks between her palms, peering intently into his eyes. "Can I see him? Please?"
"Settle down. It's taken long enough for you to come out of one catatonic state, we don't need you sliding into another. Yes, I've seen Jasper. I've been at the hospital with him since the early hours of the morning. He's worried about you, given all you went through last night. I'll take you to see him later."
"What's wrong with him? Why isn't he here? Oh God, I was too late, wasn't I? He stabbed him. He stabbed him?"
"What did I say about settling down, Archie? We'll tell you everything you need to know, but we need to get you dressed and fed first. Your skin's chilled." He ran his hand over her arm, then frowned at her. Her hands slid off his cheeks into her lap. "I have to ask you some difficult questions, little bit. I need to know what went down last night."
Dread snaked down her spine, leaving a trail of ice in its wake. Instinctively protecting herself, she pulled away from the master who wasn't hermaster, but who came damn close to being hers anyway. Her hair fluttered in a soft curtain around her face as she shook her head. "No."
Atticus let her loose when she fought against his hold and simply sat on the bed, dwarfing it, letting his hands dangle between his spread thighs. He wore a thoughtful expression as he raked his gaze over her. "None of us are leaving this room until you spill it, Archie. I can guess what happened, but that doesn't help me cover the tracks. It's not going to let Connie support you the way you'll need her to."
"Whatever you say will be kept between the three of us," Connie said from the corner of the room.
Trapped all over again, this time between two of the firmest Dominants Archie knew, she spun to face the Domme. Prepared to drop onto her knees and beg if needs be, she gave her friend a beseeching look. "No!"
There was a pile of clothing on the dresser. Turning her back to both Atticus and Connie, Archie forced back the panic and tried to get dressed without her hands shaking. It didn't work, and neither did pretending that the fog wasn't beginning to drift back in, winding through her legs and curling thick tendrils around her ankles. Wiggling into brand-new panties that she'd never seen before, she managed to shove her legs into soft cotton sweatpants before the knot of terror growing under her sternum stole her breath.
She gripped the edge of the dresser and bent over, her nails biting furrows into the wood. She was fighting so hard to stay away from the memories of last night, but they wouldn't leave her alone. The stupid mantra was running constantly in the back of her head. That face loomed in the darkness behind her eyelids whenever she closed her eyes.
Connie sighed and rose, walking over to Archie with a sympathetic smile. She pulled a popper pack of tablets from her pocket as Archie stepped away, snatching her hoody from the pile and shrugging into it without bothering with the bra or shirt. She wanted comfort. She needed Jasper.
"Is it safe to give her another dose?" Atticus asked quietly, standing and moving to cage Anarchy where she cowered in the corner.
"It's two o'clock, Att. I gave her a quarter milligram at six a.m. I conferred with a friend this morning and explained some of the situation." Connie extricated a small oval pill, white in color. "Anarchy can have up to three a day, but I really don't want to meet that limit. The less we give her, the less chance there is of an addiction forming. I'm hoping if we restrict the Xanax to when you really need it, we won't have any problems taking you off it."
"I'm on Xanax?" Archie whispered.
Connie's lips pressed together until they turned white. "The shock of last night sent you into akinetic catatonia, Archie. You were unresponsive to stimuli. Braun and I decided to let you rest and see if you could break yourself out of the stupor, but you were still catatonic this morning. I wasn't comfortable giving you a prescribed drug without advice, so I called a friend of mine who practices medicine and got the go-ahead from her. I'm sorry, but I'd do it again."
Anarchy felt her knees tremble. She'd still be stuck in the fog without Connie's interference. "Thank you."