Page 61 of Cry For Me
"There's an opening on the team, if you're interested." Atticus told him nonchalantly as they passed through the doors into the ward. He'd turned his phone onto silent and shoved it in his pocket, so his full attention was back on Jasper. "I know the EMT gig wasn't the right path for you, but you have an aptitude for learning. Send you on some courses, get you trained up and in the field. You'd be an asset."
Snorting, Jasper shook his head. "I've had enough training to last me a fucking lifetime, Att. I wanted to help people instead of...otherwise," he said quietly, taking note of where they were. "If you wanted me to fight, to do wet work, the old me would have been perfect for you. What I do now is enough for me. It brings in a decent wage, makes me happy."
"Bullshit. You're not happy with your life. It's had a serious upgrade with little bit dropping into your lap, but the rest of it? No. I saw you with Bodie that night, J. Out of the three of us, you were the one who rose above the shock and got the job done. Hell, I'll admit that what was in that room took me out at the knees. In the end, you saved Boadicea. You prevented her from losing her feet. Medicine is your gift."
It couldn't be. No one could cause pain like he could, take pleasure from it, and then go forth and heal people. Sadism and medicine didn't skip merrily along, hand in hand. "Atticus—"
"I get what you're doing with the landscaping work. Like everything you turn your hand to, you do a damn good job. Yeah, I know about that; it shouldn't come as a surprise. I'm good at finding out what people don't want known. Don't see why you're embarrassed about it, personally, but that's your shit to deal with." Atticus smiled at a nurse as they walked by. "Working with your hands is honest. Gets you back in touch with the earth, with your roots. Physical enough to beat the demons you can't flog out of some sub's ass, right? I can give you more."
Okay, the big lummox was piquing his interest. "Fine, enlighten me. What would this position entail?"
"I need a medic to go on missions with me and the team. We don't often get injured, but the times we do, it's a waiting game for treatment. Getting back to transpo, sourcing a local clinic or even trying to patch things up ourselves until we get home. My men deserve on-site treatment, and they deserve the goddamn best." Atticus smacked him on the shoulder. "They deserve you, brother. Be part of something good. That fucker you call a father intended for you to kill and destroy; you're more than that, and you know it. This is your opportunity to make the world a better place."
Jasper stopped dead in the hallway. "And Anarchy? You run under the radar, Att. Top secret, hush hush. How am I supposed to explain to her that I'm getting called away without a moment's notice? That I'm dropping everything, dropping her, to disappear for a few days, a week? That I might not come back if shit goes south?"
Clever green eyes brightened. "Bring her in."
"Bring her in, onto the team. I've looked into her history; she's clean as a goddamn whistle, her family is damn near pristine, and I know she has skills with computers. Graphic design, which is a waste of her talents in my opinion, but she's got the brains to adapt design into tech. Hell, with her creativity, writing code wouldn't be an issue."
What the hell was happening? Jasper felt as though Dominic had pitched his world in one direction, and now Atticus was rocking it in the other. He couldn't find his footing. Running his hand over his mouth, he laughed. "Jesus, you know how to blindside a guy. How do we propose that to Anarchy without divulging your work? That has to be a security breach, particularly if she says no."
Atticus grinned. "If you're in, she's in. It's that simple. She's been your shadow for months, she's not going to let you run around without her in your ear, sending you data. Besides, she'd be an idiot to turn down a quarter-million annual paycheck, and that girl is far from an idiot."
"You pay your techs what?"
"You heard me. The field team pulls that in, plus bonuses. I'm at the top of my game, Jasper. Big bucks, important people. What I do helps keep countries running." He glanced around, satisfied they weren't being overheard. "I'm not going to say anymore here. Probably said too much out in the open, but the offer stands for you and Anarchy. Think it over, ask any questions you come up with, and let me know."
Just like that, Jasper thought. Here's a new job, a new life, and you can bring your sub with you. "Dominic," he asked quietly. "I could get in on that?"
"I can arrange it."
"Is there a time limit?"
"On the job offer? No. On Dominic? Oh yeah, his clock is running out of time as we speak."
Jasper nodded. "Give me a few days to consider it. When I have my answer, so will you."
They shook hands on it as Connie and Anarchy walked around the corner.
His thoughts turned dark as he imagined his little spitfire in Dominic's clutches. It jabbed a blade of ice under his sternum, angled at his heart. With a glance at Atticus, he was gratified to see his friend's thoughts had taken the same path, if his expression was anything to go by. At least he wasn't alone in wanting to see Dominic Fairfax erased from the face of the earth.
Anarchy's stride hitched, her eyes uncertain as they read his expression, then Atticus's. Seeing something she didn't like, she stopped dead in her tracks, even went so far as to take a step back.
Damn it, he was scaring her.
Jamming an elbow in Atticus's side, Jasper hastily plastered a warm, welcoming smile over his fierce expression and held out his hand toward her. "There she is. Sorry I was so long, some loose ends to tie up. Did you behave yourself, kitten?"
She regarded him warily, apparently convinced he might take a bite out of her. "Is everything okay now?"
"It will be. Right now, I want a hug from my girl and to go see how Braun's holding up." When she refused to come to him, it was clear she'd finally seen a glimpse of the darkness he held inside. Braced for rejection, he walked to her, covering the short distance without hurrying. She didn't back away. "Scared you, huh?"
Her mouth set into mulish lines. "No."
He bent and brushed his lips over hers, pausing briefly to whisper, "Liar."
The stiffness of her body relaxed; her arms came around him. Anarchy kissed him tentatively, asking silent permission with the gentle probe of her tongue along the seam of his mouth. He groaned and let her take what she wanted, pleased she was showing initiative...until the urge to exert his control was too strong to ignore.