Page 89 of Cry For Me
Archie barely touched the ground before he surged home, spearing deeply into her tender channel, and came with a painful grunt of his own.
Chapter Sixteen
Cradling the deadweight of his sub in his arms, Jasper flicked a glance toward Atticus. His friend leaned against the wall of the walkway, one size fifteen boot sole flat against the paintwork, with a look of infinite patience in his green eyes. “Could use one, but I’m driving. Not gonna risk it.”
“I can get someone to drive you. Add an extra layer of protection,” Atticus offered.
“It’s fine. I don’t know what mood she’s going to be in when she regains her senses; I might need to have my wits about me.” Jasper glanced at Archie’s slack features, noting her pupils were still dilated beneath the eyelids flying at half-mast. “Doesn’t matter what I throw at her, she just goes with it.”
“Love can overcome anything. So I hear.” Pushing off the wall, Atticus reached for the case hooked through Jasper’s fingers. “Give me that, you’re going to end up spanking people if you walk in there with it. I’ll make sure it lands in Liam’s hands, don’t worry.”
Jasper laughed tiredly. “Take it for a test drive. You might like it.”
“This thing is out of my league, brother. I don’t mind dishing out a good spanking, maybe a mean flogging, but I don’t deal in the kind of pain you do.” Atticus took possession of the case. “Changing the subject here, but we’ve got a lead on the twins. Credit card used to rent a room in a motel twenty miles away.”
Jasper’s brain switched gears from aftercare to protection. “Decoy.”
“Yeah. I’ve got a unit heading over to check it out, but my guess is they’re covering their tracks, setting a false trail in case you try and hunt them down. We need to be alert. It could be the foundation for a snatch.”
Juggling Anarchy’s limp form until she felt more secure in his hold, Jasper continued walking, stepping from the relative quiet of the walkway into the bustle and buzz of a considerably busier social area than he'd left earlier. "Jesus, how long have we been next door?"
"Oh, two hours or so. I take it you weren't keeping an eye on your surroundings while you were dealing with little bit's bad behavior."
"Didn't think I had to. She has a knack of making me lose track of time." Jasper frowned. That wasn't a particularly good thing. "You know what, fuck it. I'll have a beer. Before the world goes crazy again, it would be nice to just relax after a session and not worry about being accosted by my fuckwit relatives."
"One beer coming right up."
They parted ways and Jasper scowled as a jubilant young sub—a little, if her clothes were any indication—skipped past and bumped into him. It amused him how her eyes bulged, and she took a hasty step back as she realized who she'd run into, then her voice hit soprano level. "Master Jasper! Oh, sir, I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going, I—"
"Look like you're about to pass out," he finished for her as she heaved in a fast breath. "It's fine, just be a bit more alert about your surroundings. Go find your Daddy, poppet."
He didn't need to tell her twice. She bolted, the skirt of her pinafore dress flapping around her legs and her cute strawberry-blonde pigtails streaming behind her. She vanished into the walkway without looking back. Rolling his eyes at the innocence of littles, Jasper crossed over to the pit and settled into his seat. All he needed was his beer and a footstool, and he'd happily stay here all night.
"Well, don't you look pleased with yourself," Loki drawled, thudding down the pit steps with a suggestive grin. "Figured you must be in the vicinity when the screams started rolling through the place." His shaggy brown hair flopped over his eyes, which weren't dissimilar in color to Anarchy's. He sat, tossing the wayward locks out of the way like a fashion model with a camera in his face.
Being one of the youngest Masters alongside Liam, Jasper often thought of Loki as a boy. He couldn't help it; the lad had yet to grow into his feet or his face, despite having the body and sexual appetite of a mature man. Loki still had an element of softness in his lean face, and for all his athletic grace, he sometimes tripped up over himself. "'Bout time you got yourself a haircut, boy. One of these days, might be a new Dom takes a fancy to that mop of yours and thinks you're a woman."
"They'd have to be pretty blind to do that, old man." Loki's grin widened as he patted the bulge in his leather pants. "I mean, how can you miss this?"
He laughed loud enough to stir his dozing sub, then shushed her gently. In a low voice, he replied, "A lot easier than you'd believe. Haven't you got a small harem of females you should be entertaining with your...unmissable gift to women?"
Loki's boyish looks and charms made him a popular Master. It helped that, beneath being a cocky bastard, he was talented in other areas. Having an open ear when someone needed it came in handy in a place like Avalon. There was always someone having a bad day, a bad scene, or just needed a good fucking rant about the shit in their life—and Connie couldn't be constantly available.
"My harem has retired for the evening."
"Oh yeah? Past their bedtimes already?"
Trying to look affronted, Loki tightened his lips, but merriment danced at the edges. "Hardly. Roberta, Harriet, and Penny took off for a smoke," he said disapprovingly. "Their Doms have been informed, so I imagine there'll be some crying next door fairly soon. Miri and Caitlin only use me for my dick—they're in a loving, committed relationship together and have decided that sharing a cock doesn't constitute as cheating, so long as they're both in the room. I, of course, am a ready and willing volunteer."
"Of course, you are," Jasper agreed dryly. "That wouldn't have anything to do with watching two limber females going down on each other, would it?"
"It doesn't hurt." Loki shrugged his shoulders as Atticus joined them, his hands full with the glasses wedged into a triangle between them.
"You drop it, you go to the bar," the big master rumbled, offering one to Loki. "Liam's slow tonight. His head's not in the game." He passed one of the two remaining beers to Jasper, then yanked a bottle of water from his back pocket. He set it on the seat next to Jasper, then sat and stretched his arm across the back of the pit. "So, what did I interrupt?"