Page 65 of Talk For Me
Thinking of Connie's hard limits and the reasons behind them, Thane stopped and pulled her to one side. Dropping his voice, mindful of the other spectators heading in the same direction, he asked, “Are you okay going in there, sugar? Anarchy may be the main attraction tonight, but that doesn't mean no one else will be playing at the same time. Should I be watching for triggers?”
Gray eyes flicked to her right, then back to him. “We're staying for the demonstration, then we're getting the hell out of here. Barn three gives me the creeps,” she admitted slowly, “and I can't guarantee I won't be triggered by something. But I can handle it. I promise.”
Thane scowled. “The first sign of upset and I'm dragging you out. We've made progress with your fear; I'm not letting you slide back.” He linked his fingers through hers, gripping her securely. “Don't let go of my hand, Connie. That's an order.”
“I won't.” She squeezed it, then gave him a tug. “Come on, we're going to be late.”
“You're not going to get to talk to Anarchy, are you?”
“No, but I have to trust she's made peace with the decision to go ahead with this. Besides, Jasper will have everything under control. When it comes to his kitten, he leaves nothing to chance.” Her face softened, her eyes grew a little sad. “They've overcome the odds,” she told him as she started walking again. “There was an…accident a few months ago, and Jasper was injured badly. Spinal shock. He was paralyzed for a short time, and he's worked his ass off to recover. Anarchy…well, Anarchy suffered the torment of the damned in more ways than one, but they fought back. They won.”
Oh, there was so much more to that story than she was telling him, he thought with suspicion. In fact, he was willing to bet she'd barely scraped off the first wafer-thin layer. “You'll have to tell me the whole ordeal when we've got some privacy. I'm intrigued, sugar.”
She almost crushed his fingers. “Some stories aren't mine to tell. Jasper will probably tell you, if you manage to sneak into his inner circle of trust. He's a private guy.”
There was a retort on the tip of his tongue, but they stepped into barn three, and his stomach dropped.
Everything was vinyl and tile. There was color, sure, but he got the same vibe as when he stepped into a hospital. Clean, clinically so, with the scent of lemon disinfectant in the air. He smelled it, tasted it. There were four bays, two down either side of the room, but they were thankfully redundant tonight. Relief washed over him as he realized there was nothing to trigger Connie.
All the equipment had been shoved back against the walls, leaving an open space in the middle of the room. A rubber-topped examination table with split leg rests waited, unoccupied. Someone had placed a stainless-steel table on wheels beside it, a cloth draped over the top.
“What the hell is Loki doing?” Connie whispered as they drew closer, joining the small gathering already waiting for the show to begin.
Thane saw the Master a few feet away, working at a table of his own. His back was to them, his attention focused on whatever he was doing. “No idea. Holding down the fort until Jasper gets here?”
As if speaking his name had summoned him, the white-blond Master stepped out of the shadows and moved to stand by the examination table. Icy blue eyes surveyed the crowd, and Thane took a moment to do the same. People were still filing in, but the room behind him was fast becoming full. Evidently, everyone had realized what time it was and come through at the same time.
It was a full house.
“Well, I see our planned activity for the night is popular,” Jasper called out, and a ripple of laughter bounced back at him, along with a tangible surge of excitement. “We've had a lot of requests to do this, so I'm glad the attendance is this good. There may be opportunities in the future to ask for similar demonstrations and lectures if the interest is there.”
A few voices chimed up in support.
Jasper inclined his head. “Tonight, I'll be using my lovely sub, Anarchy, as a teaching aid. She is understandably nervous, so there are going to be a few rules in place before we begin. Firstly, I'll ask for silence until my sub is settled and the scene is underway. No sub, no demo,” he said when someone groaned. “Secondly, please do not direct any questions toward her. I'm the one you need to address. Politely,” he added darkly. “Thirdly…”
He snapped his fingers and the lights around the room went dark at the same three spotlights illuminated the examination table and a six-foot area around it. “Do not step into the light. I've denied Anarchy a blindfold as I need to be able to read her face. This is an important lesson for any of you trying this kink for the first time. Fisting has the capability of being an incredibly enjoyable act for a sub, but it does have its risks. Reading my partner's expressions, her eyes, is what I consider to be one of my most valuable tools as a Dom.”
“Is this a new kink for her?” A female voice called out softly.
Thane watched those blue eyes scan the darkness, lock on the voice.
“Melanie, I'm pleased you could join us. Anarchy's experience with kink in general is limited, and while she voiced her curiosity about fisting, now that this is upon us, she's suffering from a few performance nerves. This is something that the Doms among you will need to deal with, as and when they arise, and that the subs in the audience will no doubt understand.” Jasper shoved his hands in his pockets. “Any questions before we begin?”
Thane pulled Connie in front of him as questions flew toward the circle of light ahead of them. She was trembling, he discovered, and wondered whether it was from anxiety for her friend, or her own fears. “It's okay, sugar. Jasper seems to have everything under control.”
“I should have come earlier and talked to her,” she hissed back.
“Jasper has everything under control,” he repeated, hooking his arm around her waist.
The Master was calm, collected, and fired back answers to every query thrown his way. After a few moments, when the atmosphere turned edgy, he cut the murmurs off with a slice of his hand. “If everyone is ready, I'll get our guest of honor.” He disappeared into the dark.
“Where is she?” Thane murmured in Connie's ear.
“My guess is she's in the area at the back,” she replied quietly. “It's secluded, designed like a shower room. She probably won't be able to hear anything with the way it's set up. A good move on J's part—Archie's brave and she has courage leaking from her pores, but this is different. It's not just a scene with a new kink, it's an open display. And not everyone abides by the rules.”
“They'd better,” he growled, then shut himself up when he thought he saw movement in the shadows. Jasper's white hair appeared first, then Anarchy's golden locks. His heart ached in sympathy when Jasper coaxed his sub to the edge of the light and she hesitated, her breath catching.
Naked, she stood stiffly, her hands clenched by her sides as her eyes darted around. By the stubborn expression she wore, she was on the verge of flitting away into the darkness again. A shiver rippled through her visibly when Jasper leaned down and whispered something in her ear, then her hands loosened. Relaxed.