Page 68 of Talk For Me
Archie's lips curved into a slow, sleepy smile. “I love you, Jasper.”
They kissed, passionately enough, sweetly enough, that Thane contemplated spinning his own woman around and claiming her in just the same way. This was what he ached for, what he hoped he'd found with Connie. Maybe they were in the early stages, but the potential for greatness was there.
“We've discussed engagement rings, and we'll be going shopping tomorrow for just the right one for these dainty fingers.” Jasper lifted her hand to his lips, touching his mouth to each digit. “But my kitten is curious, and we've decided that we want to symbolize our engagement in a less traditional fashion as well. Loki, would you mind?”
The Master walked over to his table and picked up a small red cushion, carrying it to the newly engaged couple. As though drawn to it, everyone banded together, huddling closer and surrounding the exam table to see what was on the velvet display.
Thane's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and he felt Connie jerk.
“That's certainly a statement of commitment, Archie,” the Mistress murmured.
The ring on the cushion was about the size of Thane's thumbnail. Sterling silver, with Jasper's name engraved around the outer edge. Beautifully crafted, although not ornate, it definitely stood out. Simple, but Thane figured it wasn't about the ring itself. There was a more important message behind it, one that screamed ownership.
“I've done research. After Jasper explained that Loki's a licensed body piercer, I was intrigued by the idea. I've been talking about piercing my clit for a couple months, and Jasper supported my decision to go ahead with it, but I've been chickening out.” More awake now, Anarchy's smile was adorably shy. “I knew as soon as he proposed that I wanted to do this. It's not just a whim anymore, or an experiment. It's like getting a tattoo of something so vital, there's no other choice but to have it etched into my skin. Only, instead of ink, it's a ring. No more ducking out of it.”
“You don't want to just get your ears done?” Bodie piped up. “You know, start small?”
“Go big or go home,” Archie replied, taking her Dom's hand. “We wanted you to be here so we could share the news, and so you could be here for what is essentially my rehearsal collaring ceremony. If you don't want to stay, we'll understand. Time's tight and the club is busy tonight. We just…it's nice to have the family together for this.”
Atticus glowered at her. “If you think any one of us are walking out on your damn engagement night, you're sadly mistaken, little bit. We've been waiting for this moment for too fucking long.”
Jasper laughed. “Some of us longer than others, brother.”
“Well, if you'd taken your head out of your ass, you wouldn't have wasted so much time. I'm pleased for you, J. And as for you, little bit…” Something melancholy flashed over the bearded face, glinted in jungle green eyes. “You tell me if this jackass screws up. I'll kick his scrawny ass three counties over for you.”
To his credit, Thane managed to mask his reaction to the threat, however casually delivered. Had there been something between the little blonde sub and the mountain man? From what he'd seen, Anarchy was utterly devoted to Jasper, and vice versa. His suspicions waned when Jasper tightened his arms around his kitten and laughed, then dwindled to nothing when Connie glanced up at him, tears in her eyes, and winked at him.
Ah, it was banter. Maybe dipped in a shred of truth, but for the most part, it was simply two dominant men jesting with each other.
They really were a complex and fascinating group of people.
Connie's insides were a wreck.
She was on edge, aroused and needy, and her heart had just taken a huge, happy blow. Two of her favorite people had overcome obstacles so treacherous, they could have cost lives and freedom. It wasn't just a rehearsal collaring ceremony they'd witness tonight, nor was it celebrating a union which had been far too long in the making. Tonight was about being strong enough to survive blood and death, courageous enough to find the one who meant everything and do anything—including murder—to keep them safe.
Jasper and Anarchy had beaten the odds, defied them, and now they would finally reap a reward worthy of their pain.
Archie looked like the kitten who'd lapped up all the cream, brown eyes soft and heavy, content. Her face was unlined, bearing the glow of a woman in love, and one who'd just had an orgasm rich enough to wipe her mind free of stress. “Thank you for everything you did, Atticus. We wouldn't be sitting here if it wasn't for you and Connie. I'd still be lurking in the shadows, pining for a Dom I couldn't have, and Jasper—”
“Jasper would have been kicking himself for not making a move on the one woman he needs more than his next breath,” the man himself finished. “None of this would be happening without all of you having my back.” He kissed his sub again, then glanced at Loki. “Are you ready for this, Loki?”
“I'm at your disposal.”
Connie's lips twitched when her friend sucked in a deep breath and nodded. Archie resembled a brave little bunny ready to march into a den of wolves. But apparently, she knew what she wanted, and Jasper was it. It. One little needle wasn't going to stop her from marking herself as his.
As Jasper rose and settled Archie back on the table, Loki wheeled his tools over. It only took a minute for the Master to arrange Archie how he wanted her—after asking if she wanted to watch, which resulted in a firm no—and snap on a pair of latex gloves. “This won't take long, sweetie. You remember what I said about the healing time involved and the aftercare?”
“Four to six weeks. No sex for a few days, then gentle intercourse until it's healed. Keep it clean.”
“There's a bit more than that,” Loki said on a laugh. “Jasper's got the sheet. Make sure you follow it to the letter. Spread these legs for me a little wider, that's it.” Taking some wipes off his table, Loki meticulously disinfected the area around her clit. “You're sensitive after your orgasms, Archie. You'll probably feel this more than you would if your Dom hadn't scened with you beforehand, but just relax and it'll be over with in just a second. You wanted a horizontal piercing, right?”
“Yes, sir.” Anarchy's eyes widened comically as he assessed her clinically, then dotted her with a marker pen. She lifted her hands toward the head of the exam table, then blew out a slow breath when Jasper clasped them. “It's not a big needle, is it?”
“Not at all, sweetie.” Loki's hands were never still. Eyes on the task at hand, he exchanged the pen for a clear plastic tube and the needle. It was fascinating to watch him at work, competent and confident. “Breathe in deep, Archie. When I tell you to, exhale. You'll feel a sharp sting, then the worst part is over with.”