Page 74 of Talk For Me
“Not unless you think he's a mass murderer who's lining you up to be his next victim.” Att rolled his eyes at her when she gaped at him. “Connie, open your eyes and fucking look at him. The man adores you. He might not know all the details of your past the way I do, but how he got that information is through the right means. I hacked into your life—you're letting him in.”
A sub scampered down the steps with a tray balanced on the fingertips of one hand. Her pale pink thong and seashell-shaped bra in the same color was revealing enough to raise Connie's hackles. She couldn't even say why it annoyed her, but somehow she refrained from berating the younger member with a sharp tongue.
“Mistress Connie, apologies for interrupting. Master Liam asked if I'd bring you some refreshments.” The tray lowered to waist height, and the pretty brunette held it steady as Connie accepted two bottles of water and a small bar of chocolate. Before she could say thank you, the girl swung around to Atticus. “And a scotch for you, Master Atticus.”
“Thank you, sweetie. Ask Master Liam to round up a couple of cleaners for bay six in barn two.” Taking the glass, Atticus dismissed her with an appreciativesmile. When she skipped off, he sipped the drink. “Braun and I have been talking about promoting several members into the Master's rank. Obviously, Braun is committed to Bodie's health and wellbeing, and his attention will continue to be split after the baby comes. Jasper is enamored with his new fiancée, and while they'll be in attendance, he's not going to want to be monitoring the barns. We need to bolster the circle to provide quality guidance for the membership.”
“You've compiled a short-list.”
He nodded and rubbed his chin beneath his beard. “It went from a long list to less than five once we investigated their history a little. The top contenders right now are Thane and Saul.”
Connie blinked, then smiled as she glanced down at her sub's face. He was starting to wake, a faint line marring his brow. Stroking it away, she nodded. “I can't disagree with either choice. Saul seems capable, and the subs have taken a liking to him. He's been taking on more responsibility, covering the front desk and the bar when needed. As for Thane…”
“Thane's proven himself,” Atticus told her. “As far as we're concerned, he'll be voted in as a Master if he accepts the position. Of course, adding him to the roster seems futile when he's tangled up with you, but he's got a lot to give, and the members can learn a lot from him.”
Taking into account what he'd already taught her, Connie imagined he would make an incredible addition to the team. He was calm, in control, knowledgeable, and passionate about the lifestyle. She was a different woman under his care, and while jealousy pricked her heels, she couldn't deny other women—or men—the gift that was Thane. “Good. He deserves the chance.”
“Yeah, that's what I figured you'd say.”
She was about to reply when Thane's eyelids cracked open, revealing beautiful strips of amber. His lips quirked into a dazed smile. She rested her hand on his cheek, willing him to come all the way back, disturbed by the depth of her relief. “Hey there, stud. Nice nap?”
“Died and went to heaven, didn't I?” Dark eyebrows wiggled at her. “That's the reason there's an angel looking down at me.”
“Sappy bastard.” Laughing, she bent and kissed him, then reached for one of the bottles of water the sub had brought over. Unscrewing the cap, she raised his head and pressed the rim to his lips. “You know the drill, Thane. Put back in what you sweat out. You did well, I'm proud of you.”
He drank slowly, carefully, as she tipped water into his mouth. His eyes were amused as he let her quench his thirst, dragging his arm out from under the blanket to grasp her wrist. It was an oddly intimate moment, more than even the joining of their bodies. When he stopped drinking, he ran his tongue around his teeth. “Was that you in your element, Connie?”
“That was me being nice.” It wasn't far from the truth. She had a reputation among the male subs for being enthusiastic in her role. Not quite sadistic. Never that. She liked to test limits, expand them, but causing intolerable pain wasn't one of her kinks. “How are you feeling?”
With a grunt, Thane pushed himself into a sitting position, letting the blanket drop to his waist as he swiveled to sit properly on the seat. He rolled his shoulders, cracking his neck. “Well, my ass is certainly going to remember you fondly for the next few days, that's for sure. My dick might never recover from that godforsaken contraption you wrapped around it.” He slanted her a wicked look. “It might need CPR from a talented mouth before the night's over.”
Atticus snorted a laugh. “That's the best excuse for a blowjob I've ever heard.”
“Don't encourage him, Att.” She yelped when Thane reached over and scooped her onto his lap, then curled into him when he urged her to rest her head on his shoulder. “I think you've mistaken who's supposed to be giving whom the aftercare, Thane.”
“There's no reason we can't share that pleasure, sugar.” With a content sigh, he rested his cheek on top of her head. “In fact, I might have to insist on it whenever you take charge. This is the most relaxed I've been for a long time.”
She couldn't argue with him. She'd missed having a willing sub to play with, and Thane was perfection. He'd given her everything she'd asked, and more besides. He'd trusted her without hesitation, just closed his eyes and bared himself as though he had no doubts she wouldn't hurt him.
She grew wet as the echo of his roar hummed in her ears. God, that had been the sweetest crescendo to her orgasm, hearing what she did to him. The memory of his swollen shaft burned into her palm, the heat and tumescence as her fingers closed around him in the second before the fat vein running down the underside of his cock throbbed…before he ejaculated hard enough for his length to kick in her grasp…she'd never experienced a rush of power like it.
Thane's chest rumbled with a dark laugh. “Round two already?”
Connie snorted and cuddled deeper into him. “After the mess you left on the floor, I'll be surprised if we get to round two anytime this weekend. Atticus had to send in a cleaning crew to mop up after us.”
“Say the word, sugar, I'm already primed. I can smell that needy pussy, all neglected and unloved. It requires more than a little clit tickler attached to a strap-on harness for satisfaction.” His hand stroked up and down her thigh, stimulating her skin beneath the fabric of her pants. “Want to go for a ride, Mistress? Or should I call you sub?”
“Jesus, get a goddamn room.”
Connie smirked as she looked at Atticus, amused he was adjusting himself in his leathers. The Master appeared insanely uncomfortable—not with the impromptu foreplay going on, but with the severity of his erection. “Sorry, Att. I thought you'd have treated one of your regular girls to some you time tonight.”
He glowered at her. “I did.”
The same sub who'd brought the drinks earlier hurried toward the seating pit from the walkway, laden down with Connie's toy bag and a stack of Thane's neatly folded clothes. She almost skipped down the steps, still as fucking perky as before, and gently set the clothes on the seat beside Connie, the bag on the floor reverently. “The scene area is all spick and span, Mistress Connie. Do you or Master Atticus require anything else tonight?”
“No, thanks,” Connie said with a smile.
Atticus rose and strode to the girl, snagging her by her short brown ponytail before she could skip away again. “If you're available, sweetheart, I can think of several things I require tonight.”