Page 16 of Sleep for Me
Exasperated by his lack of progress, he stared at the screen and searched for inspiration. Anything, any topic that would spark his imagination and enthusiasm. Finding none, he pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed a number from memory.
“Danvers, this is a surprise. I’d think you’d be busy filming tutorials and writing your usual masterpiece for the masses.” A smooth, deep voice rumbled through the speakerphone, richly laced with amusement. “You really ought to consider finding yourself a submissive, you know. Or just a lover to get you out of this funk.”
Saul sighed heavily. He’d forgotten how annoying his friends could be when they were all loved up and happy. “Not even a hello?” He rubbed his fingertip between his eyebrows. “I’m not in a funk, Atticus, I’ve just been busy. Besides, I think I might have found one.”
“Why waste time on pleasantries when we both know that’s not why you’re calling me? Deny it all you want, call it stuck in a rut or a funk, whatever—you’re in one.” Atticus chuckled. “But tell me more about this lover of yours. I’m intrigued.”
The damn Daddy Dom possessed a dry wit sometimes. “There’s not that much to tell. She’s not my sub or my lover yet, before you get your hopes up. I met her a few hours ago, thanks to Connie sticking her nose in and dragging me into a situation blindfolded.” Saul hesitated, knowing what Att had gone through with his princess, and understanding that there were some similarities between Alicia and Caera. “I need some advice from someone who has been through this same hell.”
“That sounds ominous.” The humorous teasing in his friend’s voice died instantly, and playful Atticus became controlling Atticus. “Better start from the beginning, when Connie did what she does best.”
Maybe talking it through would give him clarity he couldn’t find while it was all spinning through his head. Slowly, going right back to when Thane came to his office, Saul explained everything right up until he’d tucked Caera in for the night—or for as long as she could sleep before she woke up screaming again.
Atticus hummed thoughtfully and then purred, “Princess, did I not put you to bed an hour ago? What are you doing up?”
There was a distinctive giggle. “I’m not tired, Daddy. Mr. Bear isn’t either.”
“Mr. Bear should know better than to lead you astray, shouldn’t he? After all, it’s you who’ll go back to bed with a bright red bottom, not him.” Att’s voice grew firmer, balancing the strictness of the Dom with the love of the Daddy. “How many times have I explained the punishment for coming in here naked when I’m on the phone, princess?”
“If I’m naked, you play with me.” Every word from Alicia’s mouth was sweet and inviting.
“Not tonight, Lisha. Myna put you through the wringer today, and she promised the same again for tomorrow. Little girls who work so hard need their sleep. If you’re not back in bed in the next thirty seconds, you’ll be sleeping on your tummy all night after I turn your bottom red.”
The squeal of mock terror that blasted through Saul’s phone could have shattered glass. Grimacing, he yanked it away from his ear. “Daddy wouldn’t!”
“Daddy will. Goodnight, princess.”
He couldn’t help smiling as he heard the little grumbling under her breath, the words indecipherable but her disgruntlement crystal clear. He’d only had the pleasure of meeting Alicia once, at the going-away party at Avalon where she’d shocked everyone by standing from her wheelchair and walking a few steps unassisted after years of forced paralysis, but she seemed like a perfect fit for Atticus.
“Sorry about that, Saul. Daddy duty never ends, particularly with that little minx causing havoc every five minutes.”
“She sounds happy. Physical therapy is going well?”
“Honestly, she’s astounding me. We’re only in the early stages, but she throws herself into every day with sheer determination.” Atticus’s pride couldn’t have been more obvious. “She trips, she falls, and she gets up and tries even fucking harder.”
Probably because she had a giant wall of support at her back, picking her up when she faltered, Saul mused. Atticus would let her trip, give her room to fall and make mistakes, but he wouldn’t allow her to stay down.
“But we’re stepping away from a different issue,” Atticus continued. “Connie landed you with a troubled soul, didn’t she? All I can tell you is that if you commit to this girl, then you need to stick with that commitment. Don’t lead her on for a few days and then decide you’re bored or unable to cope with whatever she throws at you. I don’t know this Caera, don’t know anything about her other than what you’ve told me, but if she’s anything like my Lisha, she’ll feel things just as deeply as her trauma runs.”
Saul growled. “I don’t give up on anything that quickly, Att. God knows what she’s suffered through, but Connie’s right about one thing at least—Caera needs help before it’s too late.”
“I’m sure your motives are purely selfless. My advice is listen, learn, and adapt. Listen to everything she says whether it comes out of her mouth, or she uses her body to scream it at you. Learn to read between the lines and plan for the unexpected.” Att sighed quietly. “Forget everything you think you know about women and adapt yourself to her world. Until you can grasp the terror of what she lives with, you can’t help her.”
The big guy was just sunshine and flowers tonight, wasn’t he? Unfortunately, Att wasn’t telling him anything he didn’t already know. As long as Caera was in his life, it wouldn’t be the same again.
Saul was just fine with that.
“Do you think Connie should be here? Moral support or whatever?”
“Constance is excellent at her job, Saul. I regard her highly as both a psychologist and as a Mistress, but there are some people she can’t help, no matter how hard she tries—and she knows it. Alicia was one of them, and I believe your Caera is another. Some conditions require more than talking and medication.”
Saul exhaled softly. “Play it by ear, then. I can do that.”
“You wouldn’t be alone in that cabin with the girl if Connie didn’t believe you could. All you can do is take it a day at a time.” There was a soft thump, followed by a ripple of female laughter, and Atticus growled under his breath. “I’ll leave you to think that over. A naughty little princess is tossing Mr. Bear grenades at me, which means she’s going to be getting a hard spanking as soon as I put the phone down.”
“No, Daddy!” Alicia squealed.
“If you throw that slipper, little girl, not only will I use it as a spanking implement, you’ll lose your TV privileges for a week. Put it down and get to bed.” Another faint giggle that sent a surge of jealousy through Saul’s blood—he craved that kind of dynamic. Fun, sexy, serious. “Saul, just treat her as a submissive in your care—she doesn’t need to know about the lifestyle if she’s not ready—but she’ll have soft limits, hard limits, limits she won’t understand. Work with her. Push her gently but firmly. Rely on your instincts. Just be careful you don’t end up with an impudent little brat on your hands.”