Page 34 of Sleep for Me
Wasn’t it amazing that she could be a temptation? Years of sliding through life, people passing her by without a thought, and someone from out of the blue found her desirable. A gorgeous man wanted her.
Saul shifted between her legs, hooking her knees over his shoulders and gripping her thighs securely in his big hands. Wiggling uneasily, unsure what he intended, she stared at him with wide eyes, but he simply stroked her from hips to knees.
“I’m hungry, little rabbit,” he said in a dark tone, nipping at the inside of her thigh. “Are you going to be a good girl and let me eat you?”
Caera swallowed hard. She honestly didn’t get the attraction of what he wanted to do, but the way his gaze lit up…she was so damn scared of the unknown, all the time. She was afraid of what was in the dark when she closed her eyes, petrified of the monsters lurking in wait. She was fearful of being out in public, being judged by people she didn’t know and who didn’t understand her.
She was just terrified, all the fucking time, and she was sick of it.
“I-I want to be your good girl.”
“Yeah, you do. Reach back and grab the arm of the couch, little rabbit. Dig those fingers in deep and hold on tight.” Saul lowered her back onto the cushions, following her down so her thighs were propped on his shoulders. “If I go too fast, if you need me to stop, say red. That’s all it takes.”
Red? Caera did as she was told, anchoring her fingers into the material, watching him anxiously. Maybe he was joking with her? Making a point, chastising her for constantly driving him toward having sex. He wouldn’t actually put his mouth on her, would he?
Hot breath washed over her sensitive areas before that magic tongue of his licked her pussy from bottom to top in one long swipe. Squirming desperately, she cried out his name in surprise.
Instinctively her legs tried to snap shut, her thighs closing around Saul’s head in an effort to deny him. He simply curled his arms around them and held her open. Wide fucking open. “Don’t anger the big, hungry bear, little rabbit. I’ll eat my favorite meal for as long as I like, until you’re puddled beneath me, unable to move.”
As if to prove his point, his teeth closed gently around her clit, adding the slightest pressure to send a hint of pain pinging through her body. Tensing, she bucked into the sensation, craving more of it.
He certainly wasn’t joking around.
Lost was all she could think as he went to work with his skillful tongue. Lost in feeling, in needing. He kissed her pussy with the same passion he used to kiss her mouth. Licking, lapping, fluttering…sending sparks of something wonderful coursing through her blood, ready to trigger an exquisite explosion.
A high keening whine filled the room. Caera’s eyes darted around the living room blindly, trying to find the source, only to realize the vibration in her throat perfectly matched the insistent sound.
“It’s you, little rabbit,” Saul confirmed a moment later.
Her heart stuttered as she glanced back at him, just in time to watch him press a kiss to the blonde thatch of hair at the apex of her thighs. “I don’t know how to make noises like that.”
“Beg to differ, Caera. You’re vocalizing your arousal, which is how I know I’m doing this right. Just relax and let yourself enjoy it. You’re not doing anything wrong.”
God, she loved his voice. The softness, the understanding lacing through the words calmed her rising anxiety. She couldn’t bear the thought of disappointing him, doing something that was, yes, wrong.
Swallowing audibly, she tried to sink back into the couch.
“I want every part of you, Caera. I’m going to do things to you, with you, that you might not understand yet. It’s part of who I am, but only part. The other part will never hurt you, will never push you beyond what you can handle. Everything I do will give you pleasure. Do you trust me?”
Caera blew out a long, unsteady breath. She didn’t really know him, she reminded herself. Nothing about who he was, what he did. Nothing about his family, presuming he had one, although she knew he had friends. The only reference she had was Connie’s assurance that he was a good man, and in that respect, Caera absolutely believed her one friend in the world would never send her away to be alone with a lunatic.
The things he did to her, for her…they soothed whatever it was inside her that was striving to drive her insane. He wasn’t shunning her, running away like her parents had, labelling her as a psychopath, all but stamping it on her forehead as a warning to the world.
Either Saul couldn’t see it, or he saw past it.
“I trust you.” A whisper, faint and weak.
“Tell me again, sweetheart. Stronger, definite.” His fingers traced along the line of her labia, dipping inside just enough to make her breath snag in her throat.
“I…” Caera cleared the hitch from her voice. “I trust you.”
“Again.” Saul demanded.
“I trust you!” A shout, this time, fierce and meaningful. She wanted him to believe it, to be as sure of her as she was of him. “I trust you, Saul!”
“Good girl.” Those questing digits drove inside her without warning, hitting the spot that blew her mind. In and out, he thrust into the clenching grip of her pussy, sliding easily through her arousal as his mouth surrounded her clit and sucked.