Page 42 of Sleep for Me
The moment her eyes had focused on him properly, seeing the self-disgust written over his face, he’d released her mouth and nose without hesitation.
That hadn’t stopped the surge of terror swamping her, because she wasn’t an idiot. She’d felt her lungs seizing, trying to grope for even a sip of air to ease the pressure, and the strain of her heart as it pumped dead blood through her veins.
Caera had let him take the time to himself, amusing herself with a book from the massive bookcase in the living room, and spending some alone time of her own out on the porch.
Dinner had been slightly awkward, but his arm had still come around her that night as they settled into bed.
Sunday had been back to normal, aside from the kisses he’d pressed tenderly to each bruise before he served up the pancakes and syrup he’d made.
Now, after soup and bread for lunch and a short walk around the cabin, Caera was huddled in the office chair, glaring at the cell phone on the desk like it was a hissing viper.
Her appointment with Connie was supposed to start in five minutes, but Caera wasn’t feeling a wondrous urge to have a conversation with her psychologist right now. Not when she knew Saul had ratted her out.
Sulkily, she jabbed a finger at the phone, nudging it further away from her.
“If you blow her off, she’ll probably drive up here.”
The snarky retort on the tip of her tongue died off as she glanced toward the bedroom doorway. Swallowing before she drooled everywhere, she let her gaze roam over the almost naked man leaning against the jamb.
Water droplets trickled slowly down his broad chest, over his firm belly and the slight ridges of his muscles, to soak into the towel hanging low on his hips. A towel tenting impressively at crotch level. The material hung to calf level, giving her a glimpse of powerful legs and big feet.
Saul cleared his throat. “Waiting for the towel to drop, Caera?”
Oh, yes. Please, yes. Rather than meeting his eyes, she let herself enjoy the return trip up his body, pausing briefly on his hands as they toyed with the tuck of the towel at his waist. She wondered if she could loosen it with the sheer force of her mental willpower.
“I’m up here,” he said with a laugh.
“You are,” she mumbled, “but that’s right there.”
The laugh deepened. “Horny little rabbit. However will you manage another four days?” He stepped forward, the towel shifting just enough to flash a peek at a toned thigh. “Make the call and maybe I’ll give you a reward.”
“Don’t want to.” Now she looked at his face, noting the wet hair and a small rivulet of water travelling from his hairline down to his stubbled cheek. He seemed to like growing a thick shadow of beard before shaving it off. “She’ll drive me crazy with all the questions she’s had time to think of since you called her and snitched on me.”
“I did indeed call her, but it was more for my sake than yours.”
“That doesn’t mean you didn’t snitch.”
“You might have come up in conversation.” Stalking over, he set his palms on the desk, leaving the loose tuck of the towel unattended. “Just call her, Caera.” His eyes gleamed with mirth. “Or maybe you’re not my brave little bunny, is that it? Are you chicken?”
She’d be anything he wanted her to be if that damn towel would just drop to the floor. Her curiosity over what he was packing in those damn briefs every night was tormenting her. “I am not a chicken. I just don’t want to be grilled by a damn shrink today.”
His head tilted. “Hmm, that reminds me. I should see if there’s any chicken in the freezer for dinner.”
The abrupt change in subject baffled her. “What?”
“Well, if you don’t call the mighty one, she’s gonna be here in time for dinner. It would be bad manners not to have food on the table after such a long drive.” He grinned when the phone belted out an annoyingly chipper tone. “Of course, she’ll reach out to you first, because she knows damn well you’re avoiding her.”
Before Caera could stop him, he reached out and tapped the green button, then switched the call to speakerphone. With a smirk, he turned and headed back toward the bedroom.
“Hello? Anyone there?”
Caera opened her mouth to reply, but strangled herself on her tongue when Saul whipped the towel free as he crossed the threshold. The visual of his broad back and strong thighs was nothing compared to the holy view of his taut, bare ass.
Mother of God, turn around. Please turn around!
“Caera? Saul? Have you been eaten by a bear?”
“I tell you, it’s those fucking spiders!” A man’s voice said adamantly. “Those big bastards have invaded the cabin, rolled those two up like cobwebbed spring rolls, and are probably inviting their whole arachnid family for dinner!”