Page 33 of Lesson In Trust
“Calypso,” he said in a warning tone.
Her lip curled at the use of her given name. She swore her mother hated her from the moment she was born, which was why she’d been given such a terrible name. The only saving grace was that it could be shortened to something less hateful. “Don’t call me that. I hate it.”
He lifted his eyebrow. “Then don’t make me use it. Answer the question please.”
“Fine,” she huffed, feeling the brat in her stretch awake. “Yes, Daddy, it was a positive and enlightening experience, one I will never forget.”
“I can spank the sarcasm out of her,” Elias murmured from the front.
Evander shook his head, his eyes locked on her face. “No. People have been restricting her emotions all her life; let her express herself. Although she should remember her upcoming punishment is a reflection of crossing the boundary between respectful and rude.”
Her tongue poked between her lips before she could stop herself.
Quick as a whip, he captured it between thumb and forefinger, pinching it until she whimpered. It didn’t hurt, not really, but it made her feel oddly vulnerable. “This is going to be put to better use than blowing raspberries tonight, sweetness. It’ll be hard for you to be sarcastic with a cock down your throat.”
Ah, fuck, she’d pushed him too far. Utterly repentant, her panties soaked, she tried to apologize but her protruding tongue made it difficult.
With a last, sharp pinch on the delicate muscle, Evander released her.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “This is hard for me. I’m not used to having feelings for a man, and now there’s two of you. That’s a lot of emotion to deal with. I thought I was in love with Daniel, and I was broken after he dumped me, in more ways than one. Stupidly,” she added with a rueful smile. “I guess that’s the peril of choosing a psychopath to be my first. But if I get involved with you,bothof you, there’s so much more to lose.”
“And twice as much to gain,” Evander pointed out.
“What happens if it doesn’t work out? I feel like a juicy T-bone steak taking a walk between two hungry wolves. Maybe you’ll both chew on me for a while, but then the snapping starts, and the fighting.” Her fingers twisted together anxiously. “I don’t want either of you to rip each other’s throat out because of me.”
Silence fell over the car like a suffocating blanket.
“I’ll walk away.”
Evander’s attention veered to Elias, his eyes narrowing dangerously. “Like hell you will.”
“Shut up. She needs reassurance; I’m giving it to her. If things go south, I’ll walk away.”
“Nothing is going south.” The adamance in Evander’s tone resonated with dominance, like a bomb detonating underwater. “No one is walking away. We go into this united or not at all.”
Callie took a deep breath to ease the pressure growing in her chest. “How can we be united when you’re talking about rings and babies and—”
“Polyamorous relationships aren’t uncommon, babygirl. There’s room on that finger for two rings…if you don’t snap it off,” he murmured, settling his hand on hers to stop the restless movement. “Eli, you want kids?”
“Good, that’s another problem solved. Two virile men at your beck and call, pumping you full of cum every chance we get…” Twin groans echoed in unison. “Fuck, Callie, you’ll be pregnant before the paperwork on Serenity is official.”
Maybe they should stick to anal for the foreseeable future, she thought as her ovaries sat up and saluted. Getting pregnant by a man—no,men—she’d known less than a week would only prove her father right about every lecture he’d recited while using his belt as a teaching tool.
The warbled squeak she made sounded horribly enticing.
“Are you actively trying to scare her away?” Elias demanded.
“The idea arouses her,” was Evander’s smooth reply. Brushing his fingertips over her throat, he all but purred, “Your heart is racing, Callie, but I don’t think you’re afraid. Not of me or Eli. You want to be loved the way you deserve, and no one will love you the way we can.”
“Four days—”
“Four days of having you all to myself, babygirl. If this is what you want, both of us, it has to be now. The more time I spend with you, the more I want to keep you all to myself. One thing is absolutely set in stone, however—Eli is the only man who will touch you aside from me. My possessiveness can tolerate him, but that’s as far as it goes.”
Oooh, that sent a shiver down her spine. “Elias?”
“Yes, little one.”