Page 43 of Lesson In Trust
“Ask him, Callie. Be a good girl while we’re being bad.” Teeth nibbled along her shoulder, nipping at the bare flesh. “We don’t buy into the religious spiel. If there’s a hell, you’re not going to earn a place there depending on whether you come on one cock or two, or because you enjoy something outside the normal social opinion.”
“I-I’m not?”
“No, little one. Any God worth his salt looks into the heart of a person, at their deeds and intentions. There isn’t so much as a smudge on you.” Elias’s tone was gentle, reassuring.
“But my father—” She squeaked when the shaft inside her strove to find another inch of room; a subtly painful reprimand.
“My father and yours are alike.” Evander told her, picking up the mantle. “Who would you rather believe, sweetness? The two men who are absolutely infatuated with you, having only your best interests and needs in mind, or the asshole who berated and belittled you, skewing your perception of the world, using fear and violence as a weapon?”
She blinked, swallowing hard. “You. Always you.”
He leaned forward, kissing her as though she was the most fragile thing in the universe. His beard tickled her sensitive, flushed skin. “Perfect answer. Will you trust us, Callie? Come when Eli tells you to.”
“You know I can’t.”
An amused chuckle hummed in her ear. “We’ll teach you. One step at a time.”
It was like bouncing between two hard, muscular walls of dominance, she thought, resigning herself to her fate. Unmoving, reassuring, stubborn, protective walls.
God, it was totally too late to realize she was in over her head with these two, especially atthisparticular moment, but if she was going to drown, she might as well open herself to the experience.
Her father was no longer a ruling force in her life—or not a physical one, at least. He might live in her head with his judgement and holy morals, but he wasn’t here. He didn’t get to whip her as bitter bible verses admonished her for all her perceived faults, and he sure as hell didn’t get to tell her who she could and couldn’t love.
“Doomed, doomed, doomed,” she muttered to herself, then grunted in shock when Elias shifted her slightly, adding pressure to her already overloaded system.
“Ask him,” he repeated, that sharp edge returning to his voice.
“Will you please show me your cock, Daddy?”
Without hesitation, Evander rose up onto his knees, hooking his fingers in the sides of his boxers, and pulled them down. Fully aroused, his erection sprang to attention, the crown and several inches of his length slick with precum.
“Put that pretty mouth to work, Callie. I want you to suck your Daddy dry while I fuck this snug cunt until you scream.” Elias pinched her nipples, his thumbnails digging into the tiny buds, ignoring her yelp. “I won’t stop until you milk my cock of every last drop, do you understand?”
She licked her lips. “What if it takes an hour?”
“It’ll be worth the sacrifice.”
“What if you can’t…last an hour?”
“Well, I guess it’s a good thing there’s two of us.” He gave her one last nip against the side of her neck before easing her forward, settling her on her elbows. He groaned as the angle changed again. “No more questions, little one. When your mouth’s full, I don’t want to hear anything but you screaming around his cock.”
“Savag—” The word was cut off by his hand on the back of her head, pushing her down onto Evander’s erection. The crown bumped against her lips, then popped inside.
She and Evander moaned in unison.
The salty, musky taste was…odd. A fresh spurt lathered her tongue as she tentatively curled it around the underneath of his shaft, rubbing the fat veins without any idea what to do.
The last time she’d had a dick in her mouth, Daniel had shoved it in without thought, then came close to backhanding her head off her neck when her teeth caught his skin. Her cheek throbbed in memory of that short, vicious blow.
“Wait, Eli.” Voice tight, Evander blew out a long breath. “Fuck, you are perfect for us, Callie. So fucking perfect. I’m going to fuck your mouth now, which means your ability to safeword is limited. Can you snap your fingers, babygirl?”
After a few clumsy tries, she managed two acceptable bursts of sound.
“That’s good. If you start to panic or just can’t ground yourself, do just that.”
Her muffled, “Yes, Daddy” was thwarted by his penis occupying ninety percent of her mouth, but his moan of enjoyment was worth her unease.
“The girl is not fragile, Evander. She’ll tell us if something bothers her.” Fingertips pushed up her back, dragged down again. Hands latched onto her hips, easing her off the invader filling her so nicely now.