Page 55 of Lesson In Trust
She did. She was accountable for her actions, and there was no excuse for attacking them the way she had. Theirhost, for God’s sake; someone who’ taken them into his home and let her sleep in his bed.
The words were so quiet, too quiet, trying to squeeze around the horrible lump in her throat. She pushed against Evander’s chest. “Let me go. I don’t deserve…”
Comfort. Reassurance. Love.
“Shush, sweetness, everything’s okay. Eli’s fine, Alicia’s not hurt.” The warm, low timbre of his voice didn’t soothe her, it just tightened the constriction in her airway until she thought it might strangle her. “No one’s angry with you for trying to protect her, Callie.”
She’d ruined everything. They’d been having so much fun, and then she’d freaked out and brought the curtain down on what might have been a good, happy memory.
She buried her face in his neck, unable to bear what she’d done.
Chapter Six
Bloody Nora, the girl kicked like a fucking mule.
Pain radiated from his crotch in waves, emanating from his throbbing cock. Her kick had caught him right at the base of the shaft, dragging his testicles into the fiasco for good measure, and he wasn’t entirely sure he wouldn’t cry like a goddamn baby the next time he got an erection.
After what seemed like an eternity on his knees, he managed to take a breath that didn’t sound like an exhausted steam engine. Slowly, he climbed to his feet, wary of making any sudden moves. Pain flared, abating as he stood perfectly still.
“Fuck my life,” he groaned. “I hate cock shots.”
Atticus’s dark-haired princess glowered at him. “Dirty mouths get washed out with soap.”
Fantastic. First he suffered with the humiliation of being taken down by a kick to the dick, and now he was being verbally chastised by a woman who barely reached his collarbone. “I’d like to see you try, half-pint.”
“Half-pint?” Her eyes narrowed.
Atticus chuckled, relaxing now he wasn’t under threat of being mauled. “It means you’re small, princess. It’s a British…endearment?”
Eli shrugged. “Endearment, insult. However you want to take it.”
Alicia puffed herself up. “I’m not small.”
“Yeah, you are.” Elias’s gaze shifted to Evander and their own half-pint, who was currently sobbing her heart out into the side of his neck. “Christ, we know she has an aversion to belts and canes, but I didn’t think it would trigger her to that extreme.”
“Maybe it wasn’t just the belt itself. She wasn’t guarding herself, she was defending me. What?” Alicia demanded when both he and Atticus looked at her. “It’s obvious, even to someone who isn’t friends with a psychologist. I bet she’d have offered to take the punishment in my stead if her brain hadn’t gone all woo-woo.”
His eyebrow twitched. “Woo-woo?”
“You know, synapses frying and all that.” She waggled her fingers next to her temple.
“Ah, woo-woo. I forgot that example of medical terminology,” he responded dryly.
Alicia stuck her tongue out at him.
“How do you cope when she switches from adult to Little and back again so seamlessly?” Eli asked Atticus.
“It takes some getting used to,” he admitted, tugging her close to press his lips to her hair. “But when you’ve been through what we have, after the years of loving her, you begin to understand her mood swings and patterns. You learn to swing with her rather than brace against her.”
“Go with the flow?”
“Precisely. You said this is your first time being a Daddy Dom?”
“Yes.” Eli shifted gingerly, keeping an eye on his friend as Evander walked the room, rocking Callie. “Sadism is more my niche. But when I’m with her, the Daddy element seems to come naturally.”
Tears filled Alicia’s eyes as Callie began to cry with loud, hiccupping sobs. “Something bad happened to her, didn’t it?”