Page 59 of Lesson In Trust
Eli automatically glanced to his left, then realized the ‘mean one’ washim. Taking umbrage slightly, he scowled. Being labelled themeanDaddy probably wasn’t a fantastic start to their relationship.
Callie sniffled. “Enjoyed it.”
Ouch. Evander was right, he decided. They had to wait for the right moment, and it was staring him in the face. He reached her in a short series of strides, dropping to one knee beside her. Gathering a handful of dark hair gone awry, he lifted her head to meet her unhappy eyes. “He’d be broken in too many ways to count, minx. I’d take him apart if he hurt you—and that goes for anyone who dares raise a hand to you against your will.”
Atticus shifted out of the way to make room for Evander, surrounding her with her protectors. “Mean Daddy needs to leave some ass-kicking for me, sweetness. I think, between the two of us, there aren’t any monsters brave enough to try and hurt you.”
Her mouth trembled, her eyelashes glossy with tears. “Promise?”
“We promise, minx.”
Eli’s bruised cock jerked to life as Evander plundered her lips, but he relished the dull pain. It kept him from ravishing her when they broke apart and she turned to him, all damaged innocence and perfect woman.
“Ew, kissing. Gross.” Alicia chimed in. “I’s gonna go make spankcakes for breakfast, Daddy, okay? I’s hungry now.”
He ignored the interruption, hoping for an entirely different kind of breakfast. One that required no hands or utensils, just his mouth on the sweetest, juiciest fruit imaginable.
Callie sighed softly. “I like pancakes.”
A groan almost escaped. Luck was not playing in his favor today.
It would appear that his day wasn’t going to start with a healthy diet of Callie and uninjured genitals, but with another bout of comforting their girl with food and friends.
All in all—well, aching cock aside—it wasn’t the worst morning he’d ever had.
Once the trauma of the morning passed, the day turned out to be pretty fun.
Although she kept her distance from Atticus, and her nerves took almost two hours to calm down so she didn’t keep jumping at the slightest movement, she’d enjoyed herself and learned a lot about her new friend.
It was hard to believe there were worse fathers than her own out in the world, but Alicia’s definitely outranked Gregory, tenfold. He’d been a very bad man, and Callie’s stomach still churned uneasily at the thought of men like him breathing the same air as the general population.
A man who’d raped his own daughter, used drugs to keep her confined to a wheelchair for decades so that he and his wife could claim her disability allowance. Who—with his wife—had beaten their other daughter so badly, they thought she was dead.
Like Callie, Alicia found freedom in being Little, regressing to a point where the shit their fathers piled on them hadn’t yet affected them. After an entire day with another woman with the same…affliction, if that was the right word, she was finally beginning to understand more about how and why she acted the way she did.
They’d played together all morning; dressing up a wide range of rescue stuffies in need of their weekly makeover, and giving Higgledy-Piggledy a welcoming tea party; coloring in books while watching cartoons; even taking the family dog, Snog, for a swim in the family pool.
At lunch, she’d crawled onto Elias’s lap ever so carefully and been content to let him feed her by hand. She’d apologized again, and again, until he’d told her if she didn’t stop, he’d take her to their room and make her come so loudly, the last thing on her mind would be the words,I’m sorry.
Because it was Elias, she’d believed him.
Alicia’s sister, Bodie, and her husband, Braun, had arrived in the middle of the afternoon, hauling a van-load—literally—of children with them. Only three belonged to them—the oldest, Declan, was their biological child, while Samuel and Evie were full siblings, adopted.
Atticus and Alicia’s crew were the definition of crazy, a horde of four dark-haired troublemakers—Natasha, Link, Layla, and Isaac. The youngest one, Isaac, was Layla’s twin, but he was Atticus’s double.
A solid lump of a toddler, with his daddy’s green eyes.
He was Callie’s favorite.
The influx of new people into her previously insular day, however, proved too much for her anxiety. Particularly as Braun was another intimidating Dom—the owner of Avalon, the club Evander had mentioned once or twice.
Retreating to the guest room, she’d tried to work for a while, but ended up falling asleep with her laptop upside down on her chest. Socializing was exhausting, which was why she often preferred not participating.
“Sweetness, are you ready?” Evander called from the ensuite bathroom.