Page 24 of Vow of Sin
I grab her small hand and cover it with mine, backing her against her car as I trap her against me. I glare down at her, her gray eyes narrowed and filled with fire. Right now, I want to kiss the fuck out of her, but I also want to spank her repeatedly for thinking of doing something so stupid.
“Get off me!” she shouts, pushing against me and stomping her Jimmy Choo’s into the dirt like some spoiled five year old throwing a temper tantrum. If I wasn’t so pissed, I might actually find this cute.
“I told you, kitten, the last time you slapped me would be the last time for good. Don’t fucking test me right now.” I hiss, my anger spiking as she stares at me definitely.
“Or what?” she asks, the words causing my cock to harden even more, but instead of kissing her like I want to, instead of shutting her up with my lips, I just move my hand from her bicep and wrap it around her throat.
“Or I’ll drag your tight ass right up to your bedroom and fuck you so hard, you won’t be able to walk out of the door on your own again.” I growl and she shuts up instantly, that same blush that was spread over her chest nights ago returning once more, beckoning me, calling to me like a siren.
It’s silent for a moment, the air around us charged with electricity as we glare at each other. After several minutes pass, she sighs and sags against her car, defeat washing over her.
Thank fucking God.
“What is it that you want from me, Nico? Quite frankly, I don’t get it. I don’t get why you hate me or why you’re so hot and cold. Why you look like you want to devour me one minute and then like I have the plague the next. I don’t get it and I am tired, so fucking tired of all of this that right now, I don’t want to get it. I don’t want to be bothered with this, with you.” she says finally, her voice filled with that same exhaustion that she’s speaking about.
And I know how she feels. I know exactly how she feels because I’m feeling the same thing, only my exhaustion is replaced with rage. A burning rage that somehow scorches when she’s gone and transcends into an inferno when one of our staff members tries to hit on her at the dining room table.
“You don’t feel that way with Antonio.” I hiss, the green monster inside of me poking his head out right when I try to slap him away.
She scoffs at me, her hand waving in the air as my own tightens around her delicate throat.
“I don’t feel that way with Antonio because he isn’t an asshole with me. He doesn’t play with my head and use my body after lying to me about my husband’s ongoing affair that resulted in a fucking lovechild that is now used as leverage to take control over our family!” She shouts and my free hand snaps up and clamps over her red painted lips.
“Keep. Your. Fucking. Voice. Down.” I bite out, her eyes narrowed once more as she stares at me, her teeth sinking into my palm as she bites down on my skin, but I don’t pull away. I don’t show her that she’s affected me, even though now I really do want to punish her. I want to tie her to her bed posts and slap her ass so hard that it becomes the same shade of red that she paints her lips with.
“You don’t feel that way with Antonio because he didn’t eat your pussy well enough to have you seeing stars. He didn’t get to feel the way your legs shook against my face or the taste the sweetness of your come as it hit my tongue. I did. I got to have that. And I will continue to have that. However and whenever the fuck I want.” I say in a dark voice, looming over her as she stares at me with wide, gray eyes.
I hate that I like the expression on her face right now, that she’s clearly affected by my words probably because she’s never really heard anything like them before. Luis was an ass to her for sure, but I know for a fact he didn’t make up for it in anyway, especially not in the bedroom considering how hard she came against my mouth the other night. He bought her flowers on rare occasions and gave her jewelry that didn’t really cost him a dime because of the warehouses and shops we have control of. Right now, as I look into those gray eyes glossed with strange amazement, I know for a fact that he never fulfilled her darkest desires, or any of her desires for that matter.
This woman is hard and cold, but given the right amount of dominance and coaxing, she can submit instantly. She can melt like butter in a hot pan and become the perfect woman to fuck, to lose yourself in. I know now, that one night with her would never be enough. It would only just barely scratch the surface of what lies inside of her. There’s a wildcat in there, with claws even sharper than the ones that she shows to the real world, but there’s also a soft, submissive woman in there just begging to be fucked in all of the right ways. And God help me, I want to be the one to unveil it all even though I shouldn’t.
“You’re giving me fucking whiplash, you know.” she hisses, breaking my dark thoughts and redirecting my attention back to the present moment.
I know that I am because I fucking have it too. My head is all twisted and turned in the wrong direction, derailed with overwhelming thoughts of her, of the woman I cannot and should not have.
“Join the club, sweetheart.”I hiss before I rip my hand from her throat and yank her away from her car door before I pull it open.
I grab the gun that I placed in her center console days ago and load it up with ammunition before I stand and toss it to her with the safety off. She catches it with a glare, her lips pursed in a snarl as she stares me down. I cock my head at her, waiting for her to tuck it into her purse, but of course, she defies me and stands there for a moment longer, staring me down with the gun in her hand as that sweet, fiery blush slowly washes away from her pale skin. When I cross my arms and rest against the car, waiting, she finally sighs and shoves the handgun into her purse.
I swear to God, this woman is going to be the end of me and she’s not even my fucking wife. I haven’t gotten my dick inside of her yet and she’s still trying to get the best of me. I’m going to go gray by the end of all of this. And it’s going to be her doing. She is going to be the reason for my demise. Not some ambush, not a gun to the head, but fuckingher.
“We’ll finish this discussion later, Scarlett. Right now, we have to meet these buyers that you better hope won’t shoot our heads off. Get in.” I growl, grabbing her keys from her hand before I slide in her Audi and start it up.
She rolls her eyes and walks around the vehicle, opening up the door before she slides in and buckles her seat belt. Her tits look absolutely phenomenal in that dress, but I avert my gaze and focus on the road as I peel away from the mansion.
I look over at the man currently driving my car, warring with myself whether I want to wrap my hands around his neck or kiss him.
I’ve never met someone so infuriating in my life.
My hands tighten around the straps of my bag as I tell myself to keep my mouth shut. If there’s anything I need to do right now, it’s focus on the business.
Nico isn’t wrong about not knowing what I could be getting myself into. This was a deal set up by Luis, before his death I would have trusted any meeting he arranged. But after everything I found out about him since, his judgement was never trustworthy.
The problem is that keeping my thoughts to myself was never my strong point. Who does this man think he is? Telling me what to do and who I can meet with. We’re supposed to be partners in this. Partners. Not Nico leads and I follow.