Page 28 of Vow of Sin
Angry green orbs flash in my direction. “You can look at me like that all you want, but you are still going to let me see.”
“I’m not stripping in the foyer of my home. If you want to see, follow me.”
She turns on her heel and heads for the stairs. Taking them carefully, one at a time.
I look over at Sofia. “Run her a hot bath and get some ice.”
She seems taken aback by my tone but right now I don’t give a fuck. We have too many problems trying to attack us from every direction for me to worry about how I’m speaking to others.
I don’t give a chance to argue, turning toward the stairs and taking them two at a time.
When I reach her room, Scarlett has already removed her dress and is tying the belt on a silk white rope.
“Open it.” I shut the door behind me.
“I’m fine.”
My hands clench into fists at my side. “Open the motherfucking robe now!” I snap, done with being nice.
Her lip curls into a snarl. Thankfully she keeps her mouth shut and tugs on the tie of the robe. She pulls the flap to the side and I see the bruise already forming on her ribs.
I reach forward and she flinches the second my fingers graze her skin. “Did that hurt?”
“Then, what’s with the flinch?”
“Nothing.” She turns her head away.
I cup her cheek and turn her gaze back to me. “I’m thankful as fuck we’re both alive, but I need to make sure nothing is broken.”
She nods and I step closer, pressing my fingers into her side. She sucks in a breath. Nothing feels like its moving. “Does it hurt to breathe?’
“No.” She shakes her head at the same time. “Only when I move in certain ways and when you press on it.”
I nod. “I don’t think anything is broken just bruised. I’ll send Sofia up to wrap your ribs once you’re out of the shower. Make sure you ice them.”
I turn to leave when she grabs my hand. “What about you?”
I shake my head, but don’t turn to face her. “Just some cuts and bruises. I’ll be fine.” It wasn’t the first time I’ve dealt with injuries and in this life it sure as fuck won’t be the last.
I snatch my hand out of hers. “I said I’ll be fine.”
I leave the room before I let her see anymore of the fear that keeps trying to consume me.
I slam the door behind me and storm down the hall to my own room and head straight for the bathroom.
The cuts and scratches on my face will heal in no time. The one on the side of my head neat my hairline worries me a bit more. I rummage through the medicine cabinet until I find a butterfly bandage.
A shower will be the easiest way to get make sure there is no glass still left inside. I drop my clothes to the floor. As much as I want a hot shower to relax the tense muscles in my shoulder, that’s not the answer. I turn off the pressure on the jets and let the cool water run.
Bracing for the temperature, I step under the spray, tilting my head, and letting the water run through the cut.
Red tinted water fills the bottom of the tub. I keep my head under the water until the water runs clear. Then I work on the rest of my face and body, inspecting every inch, making sure there isn’t anything that I missed.
Satisfied that I’ve cleaned the cut thoroughly, I step out of the shower and carefully dry my head and face. I pinch the larger cut closed and place the bandage over it.