Page 7 of Vow of Sin
“We. Are. Not. Partners.” He snarls, his nostrils flared as he stalks me.
He’s quick, like a lion in the wild. He reaches me in nearly three steps and when he does, he leans over me, each of his hands placed on the armrests of my chair, his breath fanning my face.
He smells like tequila. Like tequila and some expensive cologne that I don’t recognize. It’s unlike anything that Luis wore. It is dark and masculine, mysterious like the rest of him. I can’t help but be acutely aware of how close he is to me right now. I can’t help but stare into his dark eyes as he glares down at me, clearly trying to intimidate me.
What he doesn’t realize is that it’s not an easy thing to do, intimate me that is. I married Luis Romero. Fear left my body a long time ago.
“Your husband and I were partners. You…you are nothing but a secretary in this business, Scarlett. You can’t do nearly half of what Luis did, so don’t try to. This isn’t school. It’s not some assignment that you can turn in early, hoping to get a gold star and a pat on the head for your effort. This is the real world and it’s a lot more dangerous than you know, no matter how much you’ve seen. So, don’t try to be anything that you’re not. You’ll only fail and God help me, I’m going to laugh if you do. I’ll show you no mercy, offer no remorse or encouragement. I will watch you struggle on your knees and never offer a helping hand. So, stay the fuck out of my way and be the good little girl that you’ve been trained to be.” he growls, staring wildly at me as my mouth hangs open like a fish out of water.
“You arrogant bastard-” I try to say, but he silences me by placing one of his palms over my mouth, pressing down hard and silencing me.
His skin is rough where mine is soft. It is powerful and it tastes of salt and of man. For some stupid reason, my heart rate accelerates and it’s not due to being scared. It’s like I’m getting some sort of sick adrenaline rush from this.
His eyes move from mine to my chest, lingering there as I take heaving pulls of air before he rips away from me and stalks out of the room, slamming the doors behind him. I sit there, nearly gasping as I try to understand what the fuck just happened.
Luis never acted like that with me, ever. Sure, he would get stern if I happened to get carried away or angry, which wasn’t often. He made it clear from the start that I was supposed to be good and quiet in order to remain safe in this world. So that’s what I did. But he never spoke to me like that. He never raised a hand at me or looked at me like he hated me. So, a rational person would feel afraid by Nico’s words and actions. A rational, sane person would retaliate.
But apparently, I am neither sane nor rational. Because all I could think of while his hand was clamped over my mouth was how badly I wanted to feel his lips on mine. How badly I wanted to taste his hatred for me.
It stuns me into silence. It shakes me to my core and rattles me so deeply that I begin to cry. Because what woman wants to kiss her dead husband's best friend the day after his funeral?
I finally make it out of the office and into the kitchen, where both Camila and Sofia sit and chat at the large island, spicy smells filling the air.
“Well, don’t you look refreshed.” Sofia says sarcastically as she looks me up and down, chuckling at my eye roll as I kiss her cheek before I hug Camila and sit down next to her at the island.
“I have breakfast. Let me make you a plate.” she says, patting my arm before she gets up and starts piling on eggs and bacon onto my china.
She always gives me more than I can eat, but I know it’s because she cares. She’s always hated how slender I am, especially recently.
“Don’t you have class today?” I ask, taking a small bite of eggs after Camila sets my plate down in front of me.
My stomach sours in protest, but I don't want to offend her. I think I’ve done enough of that for one day.
“Nope. On a month-long break until I start my residency in the city.” Sofia says, sipping at her coffee as she flips through a magazine.
She’s been busy with earning her doctorate, her main goal was to be in labor and delivery. Sofia has always loved babies, more than she loves taking care of people.
It’s quiet for a while, only the sound of her magazine flipping and the stir of Camila's spoon as she busies herself at the stove.
“So, Carlos and Andreas want Nico and I to be partners. Not really even wanted, it’s actually set in stone.” I say finally, staring at my plate as I fidget with my wedding ring.
Both Camila’s spoon and Sofia’s magazine pause, both of their faces aimed directly at me now.
“Are you serious?” Sofia gasps, knowing all too well that Nico and I don’t get along.
Mostly because Nico doesn’t get along with anyone, much less a female. Unless he’s fucking her.
Stop blushing at that thought, Scarlett.
“As a heart attack.” I sigh, leaning back in my chair as Sofia’s eyes widen.
“Wow. This ought to be fun.” She whistles, crossing her arms as she stares at me, Camila resuming her work at the stove.
“Fun wouldn’t be the word that I would use to describe this particular situation.” I mutter.