Page 18 of Operation: Fire Bomb
I look down at the bed and it’s entirely too tempting. I’d love to close my eyes again and not wake up until we’ve landed safely in Switzerland. “Okay,” I murmur. “Thank you. I’m just going to wash my face and brush my teeth first.”
With a nod, Dash turns and heads back out to the main cabin. My gaze dips and that ass of his clad in those black cargo pants is pure sin. Releasing a shaky sigh, I head into the small bathroom and tell myself not to get too excited. I’m always drawn to the wrong kind of man and I’m sure Dash is no exception.
After washing up, I feel the plane begin to bounce and a wave of panic slices through me as I grip the edge of the sink.Uh oh. Turbulence always makes me break out in a cold sweat. For not the first time in 24 hours I wonder if turbulence has ever brought a plane down. I should be buckled into something. It would be just my luck for a window to break and I’d get sucked out. Turning around, I push the door open and walk straight into Dash’s muscled chest. As I bounce backward, he grabs me.
I reach up, clutch at his arms, and hold on as the plane shakes some more. Being this close to him makes my stomach somersault and I can smell his expensive cologne. When I dare to look up, his teal eyes are focused on mine and I pull in a shaky breath.
“Just a little turbulence,” he says, voice low and softer than a pair of velvet gloves. “You okay?”
He knows I’m a nervous flier and he came to check on me. I’ve never had a man look out for me like this before. My chest tightens and I force a nod as his lips tip up into a reassuring smile and his eyes hold mine. Cue full swoon and butterflies. A girl could really get used to this.
Finn’s voice comes over the intercom, barely interrupting whatever connection is happening here. “Sorry about the unexpected rough air,” he apologizes. “Your pilot extraordinaire quickly changed altitude and it should be smooth flying from here on out. You’re welcome and carry on.”
My mouth edges up and Dash rolls his eyes. “He amuses himself, doesn’t he?” I ask, still holding onto his arms even though we’ve leveled out.
“Always,” Dash assures me.
I reluctantly release my hold and he does the same.
“Go ahead and lay down,” he encourages me.
“Okay, thanks.” I give him a shy smile then turn around and head back to the bedroom. After crawling under the sheets, I wonder how many women Dash has dated. How many have graced this very bed. Letting out a soft sigh, I realize that I don’t really want to know the answer.
Who can blame them, though? It’s very easy to fall under Dash Slater’s spell. But his appeal is so much deeper than his looks and voice. There’s something so enticing about him, and I know that I’m not the only one to be captivated by his charms.
Hopefully, he doesn’t have a wife stashed somewhere that he’s conveniently forgotten about. Because that would be a massive let down.
The kind that would leave a permanent scar.
Chapter Seven: Dash
Right before we land in Zurich, Lake reappears looking refreshed and prettier than ever. I checked in on her several times throughout the night, pausing to take in her peaceful expression, then quietly closing the partition and reprimanding myself for acting like a creeper. She slept like a baby through the rest of the flight while a part of me fought to stay in my seat, wanting nothing more than to crawl into bed beside her. I wonder if I would have been welcome.
After thanking Finn and telling him that I’ll call him later with a sitrep, I escort Lake down to the waiting car. We slip inside and the driver confirms that we’re headed to the train station.
“Train station?” Lake echoes.
I sit back in the seat. “The address Ryan gave us for Mila Ward is located in a small village out in the countryside. We flew into the closest airport, but we still have a ways to go.”
“I never thought I’d get to ride a train over in Europe,” she says, brown eyes glinting in the sunlight. She sends me a dazzling smile that causes my heart to catch. “You’re definitely helping me check some things off my bucket list.”
“Really?” I ask and lean closer. “Like what?”
“Well, my first trip out of the states, my first time on a private jet, and now my first railway adventure in Europe. You know, I’m kind of expecting the Orient Express.”
A laugh bursts from my throat. “Let’s hope there won’t be any murders happening on this train,” I say, loving the way her face lights up when she talks about all of her firsts. There’s an innocence about her that attracts me.
But I know I should keep my distance. The last thing I’d want is for my darkness to ever dim her light.
The train station in Zurich is big and bustling, but I’m more focused on Lake and how excited she is to be here. I’ve traveled all over the world, so it’s refreshing to see someone else experience it through fresh eyes.
When she pauses in front of a gift shop and eyes the souvenirs on display, I tell her I’m going to buy our tickets. With a distracted nod, she disappears inside the store.Women, I think and shake my head. They all love to shop.
I get in line and, a few minutes later, purchase two tickets. The European rail system is the best way to travel and you can zoom in and out of the small, closely-connected countries in record time. It’s convenient, easy and affordable. Tucking the tickets in my pocket, I head over to the kiosk and exchange some American money for the Swiss franc. Then I wander back over to the gift shop where Lake has an armful of souvenirs.
“Oh, Dash,” she calls and waves me over. “Where can I exchange my money? I can’t very well come to Switzerland and not buy anything.”
“What do you have?” I ask with a smirk. Her arms are overflowing.