Page 20 of Operation: Fire Bomb
“And those mountains?” She points to the majestic, snow-capped ridge rising up. “Are those the Alps?”
I nod. “Yes. This is one of the most picturesque train rides in the world.”
Her nose is practically pressed against the huge, panoramic window, because she doesn’t want to miss one scenic second. The view outside is breathtaking. Just not quite as spectacular as the woman sitting beside me.
And since she has my full attention, I don’t immediately notice the men who are watching us.
“How long before we get off?” she asks.
“About 40 minutes.”
“Oh, good. Then I’m going to run to the restroom quickly.”
I lift the souvenir bag out of the way and stand up, allowing her to pass. When her body brushes against mine and her vanilla teases my senses, my body’s reaction is immediate and all-consuming.
Fuck me.It’s been way too long since I’ve been with a woman and Lake is making me want her on a primal level. There’s something so sweet and almost innocent about her. She’s unlike any woman I’ve ever met, and that intrigues me.
“Do you know where it is?” she asks, looking right then left.
“Down there,” I manage to say, trying to ignore the growing heaviness in my cargo pants.
“Okay, be right back.”
As she starts down the aisle, I admire the sway of her hips then force myself to sit back down before images of that ass make me harder than I already am. I know I should focus, but every time she speaks, I look down at her full, pink lips and wonder what they taste like. I never thought I’d be so grateful for a bag of cheap souvenirs, but right now it’s doing a good job of covering up the growing evidence of my arousal.
Clenching my hands and gritting my teeth, I rein my body back under control. I can’t sit here and think about kissing Lake and all the other things I’d like to do to her when I have a job to do. And my number one priority is staying alert to my surroundings and keeping her out of trouble. As the stunning scenery flashes by outside, I pull in a deep, steadying breath.Relax, Slater. All in good time.
I need to get my shit together, refocus. However, I wouldn’t mind a trip to the bar. A nice glass of top-shelf whiskey would do the trick. Fortunately, some deep part of my brain is still functioning and reminds me I’m working. And I never drink while on a job. With a sigh, I glance down at my watch and wish we had more time here. I’d love to take Lake around Switzerland, admire the countryside together, show her some of the quaint shops and villages, and then linger for a couple of hours over dinner. I’m really looking forward to getting to know her better.
But first, we’re going to talk to Mila Ward. Based on Ryan’s research, I get the feeling Mila was the only one who Maurice might’ve shared his secret formula with. If that’s true, his daughter could be in serious danger.
With a sigh, I glance over my shoulder and wonder what’s taking Lake so long. I start to stand, lifting the bag off my lap and thinking we should open one of the chocolate bars—if they aren’t all melted at this point—when someone brushes by me, fast and hard. It’s a man with cropped, blond hair, muscled and wearing a leather jacket. I might not have looked twice except when he passed me, his coat opened giving me a solid glimpse of his gun.
Immediately sliding into stealth ops mode, I drop the souvenir bag on my seat and move into the aisle behind him. Alarm bells clang in my head as I begin to follow him and realize he’s heading in the same direction Lake went a little too long ago. He stops in front of the bathroom door and throws it open.
There’s no one inside.
Where the hell is Lake?
Chapter Eight: Lake
After washing my hands, I look in the mirror above the sink and fluff my red curls.Hopeless.I find myself hoping that Dash likes the wild, untamed look. I still can’t believe that the best-looking man I’ve ever met is riding this train with me and looking at me in a way that tells me he might be interested in more than protecting me.
What if he changes his mind?a little voice taunts. Maybe after spending so much time with me, he’ll find me too boring to pursue. It’s happened before so why not again? I hate letting my doubts creep in and take control, but after Gio and Kai, I can’t help it.
My track record for falling for unavailable men is legendary.
Why would Dash be any different? With his model good looks, he clearly could have his pick of women. Maybe I’m just a passing fancy, someone to flirt with until we return home, and then he’ll move on to greener pastures.
In his line of work, he must be constantly surrounded by excitement and gorgeous women. Someone like me doesn’t stand a chance of snagging someone like him.
Maybe I shouldn’t be thinking long term. Is it wiser to just enjoy the time we have together and possibly have a fling? The trouble with that is I have a tendency to become emotionally-invested fast. I’d have to lock down my feelings and only focus on the physical aspects of it.
Can I do that?I wonder. Could I give myself to Dash and then give him up? Pretend like nothing ever happened? If it happens.
“You’re really jumping the gun here,” I tell my reflection. “Pathetic virgin.”
When there’s a knock on the door, I startle and realize I’ve been in here too long. Normally I’m much more considerate, but thoughts of Dash have me moving more slowly as I get lost in daydreams of that man. Pulled under into an endless scenario of what-if’s.