Page 25 of Operation: Fire Bomb
“I trust you, Lake.”
“It’s because I’m just a preschool teacher isn’t it?”
I arch a brow. “What do you mean?”
“Sweet, harmless…innocent.”
The way she says innocent snags my attention and I notice the light pink blush stealing over her cheeks.
“I just meant…never mind,” she murmurs and looks away.
“I think you’re selling yourself short,” I tell her. “When we were back on that train, you proved how brave and strong you are. I was impressed with your quick-thinking and the way you handled yourself with such poise in a dangerous situation. You should be proud of yourself.”
From the expression on her face, I can tell my words please her.
We pause beneath an awning and I reach over, lift her chin and say, “Don’t underestimate yourself, Red. You’re more than ‘just a preschool teacher’.” For a moment, I get lost in her deep, dark eyes and my thumb lifts and traces the bottom of her lower lip.So soft and smooth.When her mouth parts slightly, the temptation to lean in and kiss her is nearly overwhelming.
I pull my hand away, breaking the spell, and mentally scold myself. I’m supposed to be protecting her, not seducing her. The incident on the train means that whoever is after the Tantium Force knows we’re here. We need to be careful and I’m considering moving us to a safehouse when my phone vibrates.
“Slater,” I answer.
Beside me, Lake pauses to listen, and Ryan says, “You have a meeting scheduled for later this evening in Italy.”
“Where in Italy?” I ask. Sailor and Maddox are also in Italy on a job that should’ve just wrapped up.
“Milan atDiscoteca del Fuoco. Go straight to the door and ask for Giancarlo Caruso.”
“I’m going to have Sailor and Maddox come up and meet us. They’re just down in Genoa and I’d feel better with them close by to keep an eye on things. Just in case. We had a bit of an incident on the train today with a couple of Russians.”
“Are you okay?” Ryan asks, voice laced in concern.
“We’re fine,” I assure him. A moment later, Fallon gets on the line and demands to know what happened earlier. I give her a brief rundown of the train escapade then ask her to contact Sailor and Maddox.
“On it,” she tells me. “Please, be careful.”
“I will.” After hanging up, I look over at Lake. “We’re heading down to Milan. Ryan got me in to meet this mystery man who claims to have the Tantium Force.”
“I’m going to that meeting with you,” she says, a determined look on her face.
“Non discutere con me,” she says in perfect Italian.
I have no idea what she said, but the geek in me appreciates it and a slow grin spreads across my face. “You speak Italian?” I ask, thoroughly impressed.
“Sì. Perfettamente.” She arches a dark russet brow and I do everything in my power to not drag her into my arms and kiss her senseless. Because it’s sexy as hell.
Chapter Ten: Lake
We take the train back to Zurich and I don’t leave Dash’s side the entire time. Even when I need to go to the bathroom, I make him wait outside the women's restroom while I pee. A little embarrassing? Sure. But way better to see his attractive face when I open the door instead of a glowering, Russian Goliath.
Once we’re off the train, we grab a taxi and go back to the airport where Finn waits. He flies us down to Milan and all this traveling around in a private plane is making me feel really special. Like some kind of jetsetting celebrity. I’m also becoming a better flier, not quite as nervous as I usually am. But I think that has more to do with sitting next to Dash than anything else. He distracts me with conversation and his incredibly good looks. I swear, I’ve never seen such amazing and intense blue-green eyes, and every time he looks at me, my heart starts beating double time.
It’s more than that, though. He’s a gentleman. And so incredibly kind. And generous. I still can’t believe he bought all of my souvenirs—twice—and now we’re pulling up to some fancy-looking hotel. Dash doesn’t seem to scrimp on anything. And although he isn’t excessive, he clearly appreciates the finer things. As a teacher, my salary covers the basics, so all of this extra is nice to experience. At least for a little bit.
It’s definitely been an adventure. And not in the “I’m journeying to fight a dragon” way. No, more like “I’m standing in a hotel lobby staring at a chandelier bigger than my classroom, surrounded by people whose luggage costs more than my annual salary” way.
“This way,” Dash says, hand on my lower back, directing me toward the elevator. Looks like we’re all checked in and heading up to our rooms.