Page 27 of Operation: Fire Bomb
When she doesn’t respond, I dare a glance over my shoulder. Sailor stands there, hand on her hip, blue eyes narrowed, looking all sorts of fierce. “On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate him? Are you attracted to him? He’s more than just good-looking, you know.”
I drop down on the edge of the bed, beginning to feel overwhelmed by the sudden third degree. “Can I ask why you’re asking me this?”
Sailor tilts her blonde head. “Wow. You’re actually being sincere.”
“I’m sorry?” I am so confused right now.
“You’re seriously embarrassed right now.” A smile lights up her pretty face. “Dash is like a Papa Bear to me, Fallon and Eden. We want the best for him and since he never goes out, we decided to put him up on a dating site. Without his knowledge. He ended up choosing Cameron Sullivan, who Fallon said is your sister. But then Fate stepped in and you appeared. God, this is perfect.”
“Um, what is?” I ask, frowning.
“Can’t you see?” Sailor asks, reaching into her pocket and unwrapping a piece of gum. “He’s totally into you.”
I burst out laughing as she pops the gum into her mouth. “I don’t think so.”
“No, I’d be willing to bet my stash of watermelon suckers that he’s been having naughty fantasies about you already.”
Oh, God. I bite my lip, not knowing how to respond to that comment. But a part of me secretly hopes she’s right.
“You’re a teacher?”
“Preschool teacher,” I tell her.
“Gah! You couldn’t be more perfect for him. I love it!”
“I seriously doubt someone like Dash would be interested in someone like me. I’m boring, stable, a total dork. He’s so out of my league.”
“It’s like you were made for each other,” she continues, as though she doesn’t hear me.
“Dash leads an exciting life and a man like him could have his pick of women. I’m just…just…me.”
“He needs someone like you, Lake. Down-to-earth, sweet, a big heart. I’m pretty good at reading people and if you’re interested in him—which I think you are—then I’m going to help you. But,” she adds, voice taking on a low, menacing tone, “if you end up hurting him, you’re going to have three very pissed-off women coming after you.”
Okay, now I’m scared.
“Just a friendly warning,” Sailor says, smiles and snaps her gum. “But I don’t think that will happen. I think you’re everything he needs.”
“You do?” I ask.
“I do,” she states. “So let’s hear it. Do you want a shot with Dash or not?”
I pull in a deep breath then nod. “Yes. I really like him and I’d love to get to know him better. God, I can’t believe I’m telling you this.”
Sailor laughs. “We need to work on your confidence. But first things first. Tonight, you’re going to a nightclub as a couple and you need to look the part. I picked up some things, including the perfect outfit.”
She dumps one of the bags onto the bed to reveal a black shaggy faux fur jacket and black leggings. Then she reaches into another bag and when she reveals a sparkly bra top, my eyes nearly bug out of their sockets.
She glances at my chest. “Will a C-cup fit you?”
“I can’t wear that!” I don’t mean to sound like a prude, but it’s basically lingerie.
“Okay, hear me out,” Sailor says. “There’s this little trilogy of movies that my boss is obsessed with. You may have heard of them, you may even have watched them a million times like him—”
“I’ve never seen any of theStar Warsmovies.”
Sailor bursts out laughing. “That’s hysterical. Does Dash know?”
I nod, eyeing that bra top skeptically. It looks a little too small to be a C.