Page 45 of Operation: Fire Bomb
“You like this?”
“What else do you like?” he asks huskily as he finishes rinsing my hair. His deep voice, coated in velvet, is near my ear and a tingle shoots through my body.
I reach around behind me, find his hard cock and run my fingers down its length. “This,” I whisper, leaning back against him.
“It’s all yours,” he rasps. Then he grabs my hips, spinning me around, and slams his mouth down on mine.
My naked body melds into his powerful one and the water falls down over us. A part of me feels like I’m dreaming because I’m suddenly scared that none of this is real. Normally, I only fall for unavailable men. I’ve wasted so much precious time pursuing men who never wanted me back.
I pray to the Universe that Dash is different. I’d like to believe he is with every ounce of my being, but there’s a sliver of doubt inside me that isn’t sure. That’s full of uncertainty and too many insecurities to count.
The crack in my confidence.
Pushing the negative thoughts away, I tell myself to just enjoy the moment and not worry about the future.
Not yet at least.
Morning arrives far too fast and since we barely slept, I’m still exhausted when Dash wakes me up at seven o’clock. I’m also pleasantly sore and my cheeks burn when I think of how many condoms we went through last night.
We were insatiable.
“Rise and shine, Red,” Dash murmurs and presses a careful kiss above the Band-Aid covering the edge of my temple. “We’ve got a plane to Russia to catch.”
His words renew my excitement and I bolt up in bed. For someone who didn’t have any plans this summer, things have certainly turned around. I met the most amazing man, gave him my virginity, traveled to Switzerland, rode a train, almost fell off said train, met a bunch of badasses in Italy, had an orgasm on the dance floor, helped said badasses rescue a kidnapped woman, ate Nutella off the hottest man I’ve ever met, made love to said man all night long in a chalet at the base of the Italian Alps and now we’re jetting off to Russia to drop in on some mafia guy.
Talk about eventful. And unanticipated.
I kind of have a feeling that this is just another day in the field for Dash. Except maybe for me? God, I hope that I’m the special part of this adventure for him like he is for me.
We get ready quickly then drive our “borrowed” car over to the private airport. Finn is walking around the plane doing his precheck and he throws up a hand in greeting when we pull up.
“Morning, Boss,” Finn says as we approach. “And how is the lovely Ms. Sullivan doing this morning?”
Eric Finn is the most flirtatious man I’ve ever met. A total Casanova whose bedpost probably has so many notches in it that it must look like Swiss cheese by now. Because there’s no doubt in my mind that the ladies love the former Night Stalker.
“I’m doing very well, Finn,” I say. “Just promise me a smooth flight.”
“My flights are like butter, Red,” he assures me with a cocky grin.
From the corner of my eye, I see Dash tense up.Uh-oh.
“No one calls her that except me,” Dash growls and Finn’s eyes widen in surprise. “Got it?”
Finn lifts his hands. “Roger that.”
“Don’t forget it,” Dash warns him in a low, menacing voice.
As we walk past, Finn gives me an “oops” look and goes back to checking the jet out.
Once we’re up the steps and inside, I turn to Dash and tilt my head. “I never pegged you as the possessive caveman type.”
Dash moves so fast, I barely have time to register the fact that I’m in his arms, pressed against his hard body. His teal eyes glow bright, his voice a low, dominant rumble as he tells me, “When it comes to you, yeah, I’m really fucking possessive. So you better get used to it.”
I arch a brow, but don’t get a word out before he slams his mouth down against mine. I melt into him, wrapping my arms around his neck, and allow him to consume me in a kiss that is deep and sexy and immediately soaks my panties.