Page 51 of Operation: Fire Bomb
But the moment they decide to pull out their water torture devices, all hope is going to disappear fast. I may have survived that shit once, but I can’t do it again.
That’s why I need to get the fuck out of here now. Because the longer I stay in here, the higher the chance that this small cell is going to become my tomb.
Chapter Eighteen: Lake
I can’t stop pacing around the safehouse living room, and worrying about Dash is making me a little crazy. He and Nik left hours ago and now it’s almost two in the morning. Way past the time they said they’d need to get this job done.
“Shit, shit, shit,” I murmur.Maybe I’m worrying over nothing,I try to convince myself. Dash Slater and Nik Valentine can take care of themselves.
But what if something happened and they’re in trouble? What if they got caught and need help? I know there’s nothing that I can do, but I know of a couple of badasses not too far away.
That’s it.Mind made up, I grab my phone and call Sailor.
“This is Sailor,” she immediately answers.
“Sailor, it’s Lake!” I exclaim. “I haven’t heard from Dash or Nik and they left hours ago and—”
“Whoa, hold up,” she interrupts me. “I talked to Fallon earlier and she filled us in on their plan. They should’ve waited for us.” Her voice grumbles with annoyance and I hear the pop of her gum over the line.
“They said they couldn’t because Petrov found a buyer and they headed over to his compound a little before midnight. It shouldn’t have taken this long and I’m scared to death that something bad happened.”
“Hang on,” she says and I frown, trying to hear her muffled conversation with Maddox. A moment later, she comes back onto the line. “Maddox and I are on the way and we’re calling in reinforcements.”
“Who?” I ask, assuming she’s talking about Fallon and maybe Colt.
“A couple of friends are nearby,” she says vaguely. “And they owe us a favor. So just hang tight, okay? We’re on our way and should be there soon.”
“Okay,” I say. After hanging up with Sailor, I wrap my arms around myself and feel tears threaten. Nothing bad better happen to Dash because one thing has become crystal clear when it comes to the security company owner—I’m in love with him. Head over heels, can’t live without him, give him a kidney if he needs one, beyond desperate, deep, and all-consuming love. What I’m feeling is that once in a lifetime, extremely amazing thing that only happens in books or in real life if you’re damn lucky.
I glance down at the romance book I gave up reading over an hour ago. It’s one thing to fall in love. It’s another thing to experience it like a heroine from one of my novels. And that’s exactly how Dash makes me feel. Like a beautiful, fearless, smart woman who is wanted in every way.
Please let him be alright. Please.
Almost 30 minutes later, there’s a knock at the door and I run over, assuming it’s Sailor and Maddox or maybe even their mysterious backup. The moment I throw open the door, my stomach sinks. A couple of really big, scary-looking men stand there and immediately push their way inside.
I let out a surprised cry and one of the beasts grabs my arm in a vise-like hold and leans closer. “Who else is here?” he asks in a thick Russian accent.
“N-no one,” I stutter, trying to twist away.
He nods to his behemoth of a pal who goes to search the rest of the place and then quickly returns. They talk for a moment in Russian and I wish I knew what they were saying.God, I miss Italy.
The next thing I know, the brute is dragging me toward the front door and I try to dig my heels in, but he’s too strong and I end up stumbling. They don’t even let me grab my coat and the second we step outside, the icy wind hits me like frozen needles. They toss me into the back of an SUV and then climb into the front. I hear the door locks click and look out the window, watching the safehouse disappear behind us, lost in the swirling white snow.
So much for being safe. I have no idea how they could’ve found me.
Oh, God.Unless they found out from Dash or Nik.
My eyes slide shut and I’ve never felt so helpless in my entire life.What would a heroine do?I ask myself, racking my brain for a way out of this mess.
One of two things: either bust her way out of the car and run. Or, stay inside and let them take her straight to her man.
My gut tells me that Dash is in trouble, so I decide to wait this out and see where we’re going. For all I know, Dash is hurt or locked up somewhere and it might be up to me to save him.
Oh, Lord help us all if that’s the case. I’ve never found myself in such a dangerous situation—I’m a freaking preschool teacher!—and I know we’re dealing with the cutthroat mafia. The Bratva, Dash called them. I’m terrified, but I’m going to do everything I can to save myself and my man. I need to. I can’t lose him now. I won’t let them take him from me. Or me from him.