Page 24 of Operation: Free Fall
“I owe you an apology,” she says, voice soft and tinged with regret. “I assumed things about you that I shouldn’t have and that wasn’t fair.”
“I might be a charmer, but I’m not a cheater.”
“I’ve really never had a good example of a healthy relationship,” she admits, sitting up and turning toward me. Our legs touch, but I’m focused on her eyes, hating the sadness in their colorful depths. “My parents divorced when I was little and they couldn’t have despised each other more if they tried. They told me love is a fool’s trap. A cruel joke. I guess somewhere along the line, I started believing it.”
“If you’re with the wrong person then maybe it does feel that way. But if you’re with the right person, I think it’s a completely different ballgame.”
My gaze drops to her full lips and the temptation to lean in and kiss her is nearly my undoing. But I don’t want to push her. She’s finally opening up to me and not running away. The last thing I want to do is ruin this tentative truce we’ve got going on. But I need her to know that I’m not giving up on us just yet.
“Earlier, you said you had a proposition for me,” she reminds me. I can tell she’s curious. “What was it?”
“Give me a chance to prove to you that I’m more than I appear,” I tell with zero hesitation.
“Appearances can be deceiving,” she acquiesces quietly.
“I really like you, Ivy.” My gaze searches hers, looking for an opening. A crack where I can slip in beyond her defenses.
“I really like you, too, and that scares me.” She swallows hard and the mistrust in her eyes is clear.
But her admission makes my heart speed up. “So all hope isn’t lost?”
Her mouth edges up. “I guess not.”
“Any idea how we should handle this?”
“How about slowly? Like baby steps?”
“I can do that.”
We continue to look deep into each other’s eyes while the sun sinks below the horizon.
“Eric?” she murmurs, reaching out and laying a hand on my knee.
“Yeah?” I force out, loving the sound of my first name on her lips.
“You can kiss me.”
I don’t even try to hide the groan her softly-spoken invitation elicits. Laying a hand along her face, I lean in and press my lips to hers. I have every intention of holding back, taking it slow, but the moment she opens her mouth and slides her tongue against mine, I lift my other hand, cage her face between my palms, and deepen the kiss. I keep it gentle and soft, trying not to push or demand. Just feel, explore. There’s no denying it’s getting damn sensual and thorough, so I pull back, scared I’m moving too fast.
“I promise not to push you.” The last thing I want is for her to bolt again.
“Thank you,” she whispers, eyeing me like she never has before. Almost like it’s the first time she’s seeing me. The real me, anyway. “I never would’ve guessed you have such a sweet side.”
“Only for you.”
“And there’s the charmer again.”
“C’mon,” I say, standing up and offering her my hand to help her to her feet. I love the feel of her hand in mine. And I hope we’re moving in a direction that will find it there much more often. “It’s getting dark and these hills can be dangerous at night.”
We get back on the bike and something on the ride home feels different. In a good way. Ivy seems to melt into me a little bit more. After spending the day together and after sharing that kiss, I’m feeling more confident about moving forward with her.
But the moment we step into my bungalow, the air shifts and she seems a bit skittish again. I want her to be comfortable, but I’m so damn scared to push her. So instead of taking her hand and showing her around, I don’t touch her. The last thing I want is for her to close down.
Keeping things light, I give her a quick tour and finally show her to my room. She looks around and hugs herself. I can tell she’s uncomfortable, but I’m not sure why.
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
“I just feel bad taking your bed.”