Page 2 of Ruled Out
“Apparently, he had a tremendous say on the new coach. There’s no way he would leave this team in the hands of someone he doesn't fully trust,” I respond, hoping my statement is true.
“We’ll see… I’m a pitcher, so I’m sure I’ll be working with a pitching coach most of the time anyways. You’re a center fielder, right?”
“Yup, the outfield has always been my comfort z-” I lose my train of thought mid-sentence as the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen walks into the café.
He looks like he just got done with a run in his gray t-shirt and black running shorts, AirPods resting in his ears. Sweat beads down his temples, dripping from his short, raven-black hair. My gaze tracks the drops as they slide down the strong veins adorning his tan neck. The man is absolute fucking perfection. He’s tall, probably around six-three if I had to guess, with a lean, muscular build.Holy hell.
When I’m done ogling his body like a creep, I drag my eyes up to his sun-kissed, chiseled face to find him staring back at me.Oh. My. God.
A curious gaze flickers in his golden-brown eyes. I feel my face flush with heat and I quickly tear my eyes away. I know without looking in a mirror that I’m as red as a tomato right now. He totally just caught me checking him out.Fantastic.
“Phoebe? Hello? What are you… Oh…” Maisie’s jaw drops as she angles her head to catch who is undeniably the hottest man to walk the earth.
“Holy shit. Who the hell is that?” Maisie asks, obviously not caring if the entire world hears her.
“Maisie! Keep it down,” I say through clenched teeth. “He already caught me staring.”
“Oh, calm down. He looks like he’s older. He’s probably married with two kids. Plus, it’s a big town; I’m sure we’ll never see him again. With our schedules, I can pretty much guarantee that,” Maisie says with absolute certainty.
God, I hope she’s right. I glance at him again to see that his back is turned as the cashier takes his order. I can only pray he’s already forgotten about our embarrassing stare-off.
Who the hell was that?I rake a hand through my disheveled hair and rest the other on the steering wheel, willing myself to focus on the road. The entire drive home, I’m plagued with images of the girl who just eye fucked me for a good thirty seconds at the café. I have no room to talk, seeing as I wasn't discreet about getting a good look at her either. You want to look? Go right ahead, baby, but don’t be shy when I return the favor. When she saw me staring back at her? I’m certain that all the blood in her body rushed to her face the moment she realized I’d caught her. I can’t lie, her reaction was kind of cute.
Most of my encounters have been with women who are experienced, comfortable with their sexuality. Don’t get me wrong, I love a woman who’s bold and isn't afraid to make a move, but there’s something about the girl in the café that intrigued the hell out of me. She was looking at me like I was some kind of forbidden desire she could never have.Why did her lingering stare turn me on?Why did she look so familiar? The more I think about it, the more I feel like I know her from somewhere.
I pull up to the townhouse I rented in Coral Cove and stare out the window of my Jeep Wrangler. I take a few minutes to sit in silence, processing how much my life has changed in just one short month. Coach Cook called me unexpectedly over the summer to announce he was retiring. In the same breath, he offered me the coaching job. Imagine my shock when the top softball coach in the nation called and asked me to take his place.
“I’ve known you since you were in diapers, Knox. Hell, I practically raised you. No one works harder than you. No one is more loyal than you. Please know, I’m making the decision to leave for a good reason. I’m not ready to share why, but you’re the only person I trust to lead this team. I know this is a big ask, but I wouldn’t want anyone else to take my place. What do you say?” I still remember the phone call like it was yesterday.
It was a no brainer for me. I said yes before we even got off the call. Dan Cook has been best friends with my dad since they met playing collegiate baseball together. He’s my godfather, practically a second father to me. He taught me everything I know about baseball, teamwork, commitment, integrity, and life. My dad worked his ass off to provide for our family, but that meant he couldn’t always be present when he wanted to be. If he couldn't make it to one of my games or school functions, he made sure Dan could be there to support me. There was never a game where I didn’t see my parents or Dan in the stands, cheering me on.
Snapping out of my thoughts, I sigh and slide out of my Jeep, locking it as I walk up the steps of my new townhouse. I only moved in last week, and I’m already thinking about re-signing the lease. The exterior is red brick and there’s a shady oak tree that adds a nice touch to the small front yard. The first floor houses the kitchen, dining room, and living room, while wooden stairs lead to my bedroom and bathroom on the second floor. I’ve cursed the polished steps for almost bruising my ass multiple times while getting water in the middle of the night. The house is nothing special, but it’s perfect for just me. I’m not one to decorate, so I guess furniture and my flat screen tv will have to do for now. If my first year coaching at CCU goes as planned, I’ll look into buying a home. It’s not like I have roots set in one specific location - my parents are both retired, spending their time traveling, and my sister took a marketing job in New York.
Once I’m upstairs, I strip out of my sweat-drenched clothes and step into the steaming shower. The shower is my favorite feature of the house - it’s fairly large, with glass walls, a built-in bench, and a rain shower head. I can taste the salty sweat from my run washing away under the heat of the water.
My favorite thing to do when I’m stressed or anxious is go for a run. I’m a very physical person and when my emotions are strong, I feel them everywhere. Running forces me to expel my bottled up anxiety in a physical way. I can release my energy and racing thoughts all at once.There’s nothing more freeing.
The anticipation of starting my new job tomorrow and meeting the team has been taking its toll on me. I decided to drive down to the beach and go for a run in the sand today. Running in sand is a whole different ball game. That shit makes running on pavement seem like a walk in the park.
I release a deep sigh as my mind circles back to tomorrow. I need to study the team roster tonight. It’s important I know everyone’s name and recognize their faces at the workout tomorrow. I glanced at it this morning, but I got sidetracked planning the off-season training schedule.
Finishing my shower, I towel off, and slip on a pair of gray sweatpants. I make my way downstairs and grab the roster sheet from the coffee table. It’s a photo spread of all 25 players, along with their name, position, and classification.
“Might as well make myself comfortable,” I mutter to myself as I grab a beer from the fridge, sink down onto the couch, and prop my feet up on the coffee table.
After half an hour of studying the roster, I come across a headshot with an unforgettable face that makes my heart beat out of my damn chest. She’s staring back at me with piercing blue eyes, freckles lightly dusting her nose and cheeks, and a smile stretching across her full lips. Her wavy blonde hair falls beneath her shoulders with hints of bronze gleaming through. My eyes trail down her face to her neck, and I wonder what her fair, smooth skin would feel like.
No no no no,I think to myself. I can’t be thinking aboutmy athletethis way. I’m her fucking coach, for Christ’s sake.
Now I know why the girl in the café looked so familiar. I’d seen her face hours before when I glanced at the roster.Fucking hell.I knew she looked young, but I was thinking she was at least in her early twenties. As a freshman in college, she’s probably only eighteen or nineteen. Feeling sick to my stomach, I know any thoughts about her have to stop now. I’m a 31-year-old man and her goddamn coach.
Phoebe Rhodes, Center Field.I read her name and position for the first time beneath her photo. Phoebe… Dammit, why do I keep reciting her name in my head? The way she looked at me in the café sent lightning straight to my cock. I shouldn’t have even acknowledged her. Now, when I see her at training tomorrow, it’s going to be awkward as hell for both of us.
“You’re the only person I trust to lead this team.”Coach Cook's words echo in my head, and I feel like a thousand bricks are crushing my chest.