Page 58 of Ruled Out
“What are your plans for next weekend? Isn’t it fall break?” he asks as he brushes his thumbs across my temples.
Fall Break at CCU is usually the first week of November. Classes are canceled on Friday, meaning we have a 3-day weekend.
“Well, I’m definitelynotgoing home to hang out with my parents,” I scoff. “Maisie’s going home to visit her family, so I’ll probably just enjoy the peace and quiet. What about you?”
“The owner of my townhome is having new flooring put in next weekend, so I don’t know. I was maybe going to get a hotel or something,” he shrugs.
“Stay with me,” I blurt out.
“In your apartment? I don’t think that’s a good idea, Phoebe,” he quickly replies, shaking his head.
“Why? Maisie won’t be there and almost everyone goes home for break. Campus is going to be a ghost town. I’ll sneak you in early in the morning while everyone’s asleep. We can do delivery orders, or I can go out for food or grocery runs if we need anything. Don’t waste money on a hotel, just stay with me. Please,” I beg, clasping my hands together and doing my best attempt at puppy dog eyes.
“Phoebe…” He deeply exhales, running his hands through his hair.
“Please,babe,” I add, using the term of endearment I know he loves. His eyes dart back and forth between mine in thought before he finally responds.
“Okay,” he whispers, flashing me the most beautiful smile.
“Yes!” I beam as I lean across the console, throwing my arms around his neck in a tight hug. “Only five days, then. Five days until I have you all to myself again.” I pull back to stare into his golden eyes.
“Just five more days, Bee,” he says with a soft smile, placing one last kiss to my lips.
Minutes later, I’m dragging my suitcase up two flights of stairs until I’m standing outside my apartment door. Turning the key in the lock, the door creaks open as I roll my suitcase inside, huffing and puffing the entire time.
“God, that was bitch,” I mutter to myself, forcefully shutting the door and blowing strands of hair out of my face.
My steps come to a screeching halt when I turn towards my room and see Maisie sitting at the dining table, staring down at her clasped hands. She hasn't spoken a word or even looked at me, which is so unlike her.Something’s seriously wrong.
“Maisie? Are you okay?” I ask worriedly, slowly walking towards her.
Before I make it, she lifts her eyes to meet mine. My heart drops when I see so many emotions etched across her face, ones I’ve never seen from her before. It’s a mixture of anger, betrayal, and confusion all tied into one terrifying stare.
“How was your weekend with Colin?” she finally speaks, flat and dry.
“It was fun. Thanks for asking,” I reply with a soft smile.
“You’re such a fucking liar,” she scoffs.
“Excuse me?” I say in shock, my heart beating a mile a minute.Fuck.
“You know, I had a feeling you were banging our coach by the way you both eye fuck each other at practice. You’re not very discreet, by the way,” she says, narrowing her eyes to little slits. “When I ran into Colin at Sunset Café this morning and asked where you were, his answer further confirmed my theory.”
“Maisie… Please, let me explain,” I frantically respond, my whole body shaking.
“You really should have done your research before you used Colin to lie to me. Did you know he had a date this morning? That’s why he came back early today. He said he’s barely spoken to you since we went to Island Fever. That means you’ve been straight up lying to me for weeks,” she spits out, her breathing getting faster.
I feel all the color draining from my face. “Maisie… What did you say to Colin?”
“Are you asking if I told him you lied and said you were with him all weekend?” she replies with a smug smile, arching her brows and resting her chin on her hand.
“You know that’s what I’m asking,” I quickly reply. I’m not in the mood for trivia right now.
“No, I didn't, but only because Colin is a good guy and the way you’ve been using him is fucking shitty. For all he knows, you were busy this morning, and I couldn't get a hold of you,” she exhales, crossing her arms over her chest.
I sigh a breath of relief at her response.Thank God she didn't say anything to Colin.I can’t imagine how that would make him feel.
“I was walking back from the gym a few minutes ago when I sawCoach Moorehelping you gather your luggage from the back of his Jeep. That’s when I knew with one hundred percent certainly that you’re fucking our coach,” she deadpans in a controlled tone that’s so still, it’s almost alarming.