Page 22 of Love You From Afar
Peaking another glance at Skylar, I answer in a skeptical tone.
“It is... Who is this?”
“Cassie… We uh… We went to dinner a few weeks ago.” She lets out an anxious chuckle.
Shit, I feel like a dick for not saving her number. What does it say about me that I have Skylar’s number saved after all these years but not Cassie’s? The girl I took on a date a few weeks ago, who is easily one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. Not only is she pleasant to be around, but she’s absolutely gorgeous with long blonde hair, freckled cheeks, and emerald eyes.
Jace, my closest friend who’s like a brother to me, set us up on a blind date. Actually, it was more like he conned me into going on a date with Cassie. Jace knows I don’t date much, which is one hundred percent nobody’s fault but my own.
I’ve had lots of opportunities throughout the years to pursue a relationship, but I honestly have no interest in going through the process of dating and getting to know someone when it might not even work out. Been there, done that.I’ve had my heart broken once, and that was enough to last me a lifetime. I’m not interested in going through that shit again.I’m still suffering the repercussions.
I had a great time with Cassie, and honestly, everything about that night was perfect. I just didn’t feel that “spark” or whatever the hell warrants subjecting myself to a new relationship. I didn’t even kiss her goodbye when I dropped her off after our date. I couldn’t… I could tell she wanted me to, but I just couldn't do it.
“Hey, Cassie. It’s good to hear from you,” I lie because I secretly hoped my decision to not contact her after our date would have been an obvious sign that I’m not interested.
“I’m the worst at saving numbers,” I add. “I get so many calls a day from clients. It’s hard to keep track. I hope you understand.”
She knows about my company, so hopefully she’ll buy the lie.
“Oh… No, I totally get it,” she chuckles.
“Good,” I reply, not knowing what else to say.
An awkward silence passes between us.
“Look,” she exhales. “I’ll be honest, it’s out of my comfort zone to reach back out to you, but I had a really great time at dinner. I’d love to see you again soon if you’re free.”
Respectfully say no, Everett. Be honest with her. Don’t be a dick and lead her on, the logical part of my brain fires off.
I turn my gaze back to Skylar, focusing on the light reflecting off the hefty diamond ring nestled around her ring finger. A blatant reminder that she’s moved on. She’s marrying my damn brother of all people.
What the hell am I doing?Wasting away an opportunity to have a chance at a happy life with a kind, beautiful woman like Cassie. That’s what I’m doing if I turn her away. I’ve done it countless times before to other women, but I need to let it go. It’s been too long.
“Sorry I haven't reached out, I’ve been swamped with work lately,” I recover. “But yes, let’s definitely make plans soon. I’m out of town for my cousin’s wedding, but I’ll be back next week. I’ll call you when I get home. Maybe we could have dinner at my place?”
“That sounds perfect. I’m looking forward to it.” I can hear her beaming smile through the phone. This gorgeous woman is practically kicking her feet over seeingmeagain. I smile to myself, glad that I said yes.I deserve a chance to be happy.
“Me too.” I try to match the excitement in her tone, however, I’m not sure I’m capable of that. “I’ll call you then.”
“Talk to you then. Have a safe trip,” she adds sweetly, before disconnecting the call.
Turning up the radio, I see a dash of movement out of the corner of my eye. I turn my head, locking gazes with two icy-blue eyes. Skylar is sitting straight up, her earbuds resting in her lap as she narrows her eyes at me.
“Who was that?” she asks.
“Excuse me?” Everett asks, a knowing grin stretching across his face,like he can tell that I’m jealous.Okay, maybe Iama little jealous. But he doesn't get to interrogate me about my relationship and ignore questions about his.
“I didn’t know you had a girlfriend.” I shrug my shoulders, trying my best to not sound interested.
“I thought you were listening to your headphones.” He tips his head towards earbuds resting in my lap, tapping his long fingers against the steering wheel.
“They died like half an hour ago.” When the “low battery” notification sounded through my earbuds, I almost groaned in disapproval. The Phoebe Bridgers playlist blaring in my ears was the only thing keeping me from sulking over the fact that I might have to spend the night with Everett.Kill me now.