Page 31 of Love You From Afar
Instead of placing his palm on the small of my back, he grabs my hand and interlaces our fingers together. It’s unsettling how perfectly my small hand fits like a glove against his large palm. I never knew holding someone’s hand could feel so intimate.
We walk out of the karaoke bar, our hands locked together, looking like a horny couple who’s about to leave and fuck each other’s brains out. The crowd would be shocked, and maybe even disgusted to learn that he’s my boyfriend’s brother. I should be disgusted with myself for even entertaining this, but instead, I’m following him like a puppy.
I should tell Everett right now that I’m going back to my room… back to his brother. I should leave and put an end to this before we dig ourselves into a hole we can’t climb out of.
I was raised better than this,I know better than this.Cheating is never okay, and if I don’t stop this now, I’m afraid that’s exactly what’s going to happen.
I should be sick over the thought of being with Everett, but for some reason, I can’t convince myself to walk away from him. And if I’m being completely honest with myself, I’m pissed at Elliot. I’m pissed that he abandoned me once again for his job. It feels as if he’s been ignoring me this entire trip. I know that doesn’t justify my feelings for Everett or make this okay, but Elliot is the last person I want to be around right now.
In the morning, I could lie to myself and blame it on the cocktails, but I would know deep in my bones that this feeling has nothing to do with alcohol. We’ve only had a few drinks, barely enough to give us flushed cheeks and a slight buzz.
I take a deep breath, gazing up at Everett as I squeeze his hand in mine. He looks down, flashing me a smile that absolutely devastates me because that’s the moment I realize that I will follow him wherever he leads. Even though my mind tells me it’s wrong, my body continues to gravitate towards him. Everett guides us out into the hall, gripping my hand like I might disappear into thin air if he lets go. I follow him without hesitation, walking towards the best worst mistake of my entire life.
Present Day
The past hour has gone by dreadfully slow as we sit in complete silence. Skylar’s been staring out of the window with her hands clasped together in her lap. I feel like absolute shit because I know I hurt her feelings. I didn’t mean to be so harsh, but it’s still hard for me to think about that night, let alone talk about it. She may have moved on, but I haven't.
Three fucking years and I’m still hung up on Skylar Wood.
How did I not think to delete that song from my playlist before this trip?Why didn't I delete the song a long time ago?Because I’m pathetic, that’s why.
Because I can’t get over my brother’s fiancé. For years, that song has been my only reminder that I didn’t dream up what happened between us. It reminds me that if for only one night, she chose me.
Thankfully, a rundown motel off in the distance distracts me from my thoughts. An orange neon sign reads “Flatlands Motel”. Due to the dark clouds and setting sun, I also notice a flickering sign in the window of the lobby that says “Vacancy”. I send up a silent prayer as each mile passes, hoping like hell there’s an available room.
The snow has started to come down harder, causing the roads to get slicker. If it were just me making this trip, I’d probably try to keep going or sleep in my truck on the side of the road if the weather got bad enough. But I have Skylar with me, and over my dead body will I willingly put her in a dangerous or sketchy situation.
“Shit.It looks like everyone is trying to stay here,” I exhale as I pull into a parking spot. Skylar pulls her gaze away from the window, finally deciding to speak to me.
“It’s not like we have many options,” she huffs. “This is the first motel we’ve passed in an hour, so it’s definitely going to be everyone’s first stop. I doubt they’ll even have a room.” She folds her arms over her chest and sighs.
The motel is shaped like an L and only has one floor from what I can see. It looks like it may have a maximum capacity of fifty rooms. There’s a small building to the left of the motel that looks a lot like a dive bar. If we’re able to book a room, the bar will be first on my agenda. God knows I could use a drink tonight… or ten.
“Stay in the truck,” I exhale. “I’m going to head in and see if they have any rooms left.” I shift the gear into park before opening my door. “Keep the doors locked.”
“So now you’re just going to command me around? What if I want to go inside too?” She scowls, her brows pinching together.
“It’s twelve degrees outside, Skylar,” I sigh. “I’m trying to do you a favor. If you want to get out, freeze your ass off, and go wait in the lobby where I’m sure there’s nothing but a cheap heater to keep you warm, then be my guest.” I gesture my hand toward the motel where multiple people are impatiently waiting in the lobby.
She thinks for a moment before rolling her eyes and settling back in her seat. “I’ll stay here,” she huffs.
“That’s what I thought,” I roll my eyes. “Lock the doors. Don’t unlock the truck for anyone but me,” I command, raising my brows and shutting my door behind me.
“Okay, Dad,” she croons just before the door shuts behind me. I chuckle, shaking my head as I catch one more glimpse of her furrowed brows.
Fresh snow crunches beneath my boots as I walk toward the motel entrance. The smell of cigarette smoke fills my lungs as soon as I walk into the dimly lit lobby. I look around, heading to the back of the line.
I’m grateful that the lobby has a large window, giving me a clear view of my truck. Most importantly, so I can see Skylar and she can see me. She probably thinks I’m crazy for being so overprotective, but we’re in the middle of nowhere and I don’t trust anyone.
I quickly turn my head to glance at Skylar when I catch her staring directly at me. Her eyes flicker, and it’s obvious that we both just caught each other staring. I should look away, but I don’t, and neither does she. We’re locked in, allowing ourselves to share a thousand unspoken words through a single stare. It’s as if the thin wall between us gives us the comfort to finally let our guards down. With me in the lobby and her in the truck, we can’t touch and we can’t speak, but we can look into each other's eyes and still feel everything.
When her pupils widen, darkening her ocean eyes, I wonder if she’s remembering how my skin felt against hers. I watch her chest heave up and down with heavy breaths as I remember how good she felt writhing against me. When she digs her teeth into her bottom lip, I’m reminded of what it felt like to worship those lips… sucking and nibbling until they were sore from my kiss.
A dark strand of her falls across her face, casting a soft chestnut shadow against her skin.God, she’s so beautiful.