Page 7 of Love You From Afar
Does he honestly think I buy that excuse?Do me a favor, my ass.This wasn’t even my idea anyways. My car works just fine. I don’t need him.
Me: Don’t worry about it. I’ll just pack up my car tonight. I’m fully capable of making the trip alone.
Bubbles appear instantly, not a second passing before he’s responding to my text.
Everett: You’re not driving all the way to Denver in your little car. The forecast is calling for snow and ice. It’s already risky enough that we’re going in my truck. I’m picking you up, or you're not going. I will literally sit outside your fancy condo all morning just to make sure you don’t leave in that damn car. I’m serious, Skylar.
As much as I hate to admit it, he’s right. If I were to get stuck in a snowstorm or hit a patch of ice in my Nissan Altima, I would be in some serious trouble. It’s not safe, and I know it. I’m just stubborn and despise the fact that he thinks he can tell me what to do.
My mind instantly thinks back to the one time when hedidtell me what to do. Where he demanded it. And I loved every second of it. I practically begged for it. An uncontrollable shiver races down my spine at the thought of that night.
A vibration rattles against my hand when I realize I’ve been staring off into space for minutes, lost in thought. Completely lost in a memory that won’t escape me, even though I’ve tried so hard to forget.
Everett: Skylar?
Double texting.
Is Everett seriously trying to act like he's actually worried about me driving alone? Elliot probably bribed him to take me. I still don’t understand how Elliot got him to agree to it. I still don’t understand howIagreed to it.
Knowing I don’t have any other options at this point, I run my palm against my forehead and text back. A one-word response is all he gets.
Me: Fine
Everett: Fine?
Is he going to make me spell it out for him?
Me: Fine, Everett. I’ll be ready in the morning.
I roll my eyes, shaking my head in defeat as I wait for his response.
Everett: What’s the number of your condo?
Why does he need to know?
As I ponder the thought, I also think about how sad it is that Everett and Elliot live less than twenty minutes away, yet they’ve never stepped foot in each other’s homes. I’m not blaming either one of them, but it’s just unfortunate. I can’t imagine my life without the close relationship I have with my sister. She’s my permanent best friend. Someone who I know will be there for me no matter what.
Me: Why do you need to know?
I’m not giving in so easily, buddy.
Everett: Damn, you're a difficult woman. I’m going to come up and help you bring everything down in the morning.
I’m the difficult one?This asshole was literally just trying to change our entire plan the night before.
Me: Luckily, our “fancy condo” has an elevator. I can get it all by myself. Thank you, though.
Everett: Why make multiple trips when we can just make one together?
He’s clearly just being logical and maybe trying to be nice, but I decide to stand my ground anyways.
Me: I got it, Everett. I’ll be outside of the lobby with my things. See you in the morning.
Everett: You’re making this harder than it needs to be. I’m sure your neighbors are going to love being woken up at the crack of dawn as I roam the halls, knocking on each door until I find yours.
For some reason, I know he’s not bluffing. If I don’t give him the condo number, hewillfigure it out himself. And I sure as hell know he won’t reach out to Elliot to get it.
My body seems to relax as I start to feel the wine surging through my veins, causing a soothing wave of heat to sweep across my skin. Not wanting to let go of this serene feeling, I decide to give in. This is the most relaxed I’ve felt all day, and I’m not letting Everett Thompson take that away from me.