Page 79 of Love You From Afar
“Mmmm,” I purr around his cock, my core spasming as stars appear in my vision. I whimper as I continue sucking him, my muscles jolting with electric shocks as I savor what’s left of my release.
“Holy fuck,” Everett groans as thick ropes of cum shoot down my throat.
His salty taste envelops me as I drink down every drop. He slows his hips, still thrusting inside of me as he rides out the remainder of his release. I rock against him, rubbing my spent pussy against his trembling leg one last time before removing my lips from his softening cock. I place a gentle kiss to the swollen tip before crawling up his sweaty body, resting my weight on top of him.
Everett cups my face, threading his fingers through my hair as he seals his lips to mine in a slow, sensual kiss. He licks inside my mouth, tasting the remnants of his own release.
He pulls back to look up at me through sex-hazed eyes, his lips brushing against mine. “Do you like the taste of my cum?”
“Mmmhmm,” I hum, my tongue peeking out to lick my lower lip.
“Good,” he rasps, his gaze possessive. “Because mine is the last cock you’ll ever taste.”
* * *
Half an hour later,I’m laying in bed as the smell of bacon drifts down the hall. My lips turn up in a small smile as I faintly hear Everett humming a Pink Floyd song over the crackling of the pan. My heart warms at the thought that this could be my reality every day. My stomach drops at the thought that this could have been my reality years ago.
I decide to check my phone in hopes that it will derail my mind from thinking about my regrets. I turned my phone off after we left the hotel, knowing that Elliot would be trying to call. I didn’t want to even give him a chance to play his mind games on me.
The Apple logo appears on the screen as my phone turns on. I lean back against the headboard, sighing as I wait for the missed calls and messages to load. Sure enough, the screen starts lighting up with notifications: thirty missed calls and texts from Elliot, and ten missed calls and voicemails from my sister, Kara.
Oh no.My sister. We text or call each other almost every day. I should have sent her a text before I turned my phone off and ran off to a remote cabin in the mountains.
My fingers fly across the screen as I navigate to her contact and press call. The ringing only lasts for a millisecond before she answers, screaming into my ear.
“Skylar Wood!” She shouts, scolding me. “Are you alive?”
“Yes,” I exhale, “I’m sorry… My phone was turned off and I—”
“What the fuck, Sky?” She interrupts sharply. “I’ve been trying to reach you for two days. I was seriously about to call Mom and Dad, and you know they would immediately call the police and send out a search party for your ass.”
Thank God she didn't call our parents.I love them, but they are the definition of overprotective.
“Well, it looks like I decided to turn my phone on at the right time,” I quip, trying to lighten the mood.
“Are you seriouslyjokingright now, you bitch?” She huffs. I can practically hear her rolling her eyes at me. “I was worried you had been abducted or some shit. Where the hell are you?”
I exhale a heavy breath, running my palm across my forehead.
“I’m uh… I’m in the mountains, staying in a cabin outside of Denver,” I say casually, like nothing’s weird about that at all.
“What do you mean?” She asks, confusion laced in her tone. “Aren’t you supposed to beinDenver? What are you and Elliot doing on a mountain retreat when his cousin’s wedding is today?”
I cough, choking down the lump in my throat.
“I um…” I swallow, “I’m not with Elliot anymore. And when I say I’m not with him, I mean that I’m done. It’s over, Kara.”
I hear her breath hitch before a beat of silence passes. I stay quiet, letting her process the bomb that I just dropped.
“What?” She finally asks, her question coming out in a breathless whisper. “What happened, Sky?”
“One second,” I whisper, standing from the bed and walking across the room to close the door. What I’m about to tell her isn't a secret, and I don’t care if Everett hears, but I don’t know… It just feels like a private moment between me and my sister.
I stride back to the bed, swiping one of Everett’s oversized t-shirts off the floor before tossing it over my head. Once I’m nestled beneath the blanket, I take a deep breath and tell Kara everything. And I meaneverything. I tell her about my past with Everett while leaving out the explicit details, the road trip to Denver, and Elliot cheating on me.
For a full thirty minutes, she just listens, letting me spill my deepest secrets, feelings, and heartache to her. Even though Kara has no filter and can talk anyone’s ear off, she’s always been the best listener. She’s always been my lighthouse in the middle of a howling storm.
“Sky…” she mutters, finally speaking after I exhale a deep breath.