Page 96 of Love You From Afar
“Give me one reason why you’re unhappy,” he clips. “I’ve given you everything, Skylar. In our entire three years of dating, you’ve never gone without.”
I’ve given you everything, Skylar.Red. All I see is red.
“Excuse me?” I mutter as my eyes widen in shock. “Who thehelldo you think you are? First off, I don’tneedyou to give me anything. Might I remind you that I have a job, and I make damn good money on my own. And secondly, I could care less about fancy clothes, luxury cars, or flashy jewelry. What Iwantis a man who’s going to be home at night. I want a partner who doesn’t ditch me for a fucking business call. I want to decorate our home and make it feel like Ilive there too. It would at least be nice to have a dog to hang out with while I’m sitting around staring at blank walls. I want someone who calls in to check in on me when I’m traveling through a fucking ice storm. But most of all, I want someone who puts me first. Everything has always been about you, Elliot.Everything. Our relationship revolves around you, and I just can’t do it anymore.”
My chest heaves up and down with furious breaths as I try to catch my breath after that confession.
His eyes flinch with hurt as he takes a step back like he’s just been punched in the gut. A beat of silence passes as his eyes glass over with emotion.
“You’re right,” he says thickly, pain and guilt etched across his face. “I’ve been so caught up in my career, my image, the money… that I missed what was right in front of me.” He runs a shaky hand through his hair. “This… this accident with Everett has made me realize that none of it’s fucking worth it. It can all be gone tomorrow. Everything I’ve worked for could be gone in the blink of an eye.”
My jaw hangs open because I’m too stunned to speak.Did hell just freeze over?That was thelastthing I ever expected to come out of Elliot’s mouth.
“Skylar,” he croaks, stepping towards me as he lifts a hand to my cheek. “Please… give me one more chance. Let me show you that I can be the man you want. The man you need.”
I step back before he can touch me, shaking my head.
“No, Elliot,” I say firmly. “It’s over. Even if I wasn't in love with Everett, it would still be over.”
“Sky,” he rasps, his voice cracking. “Please don’t do this. Don’t throw everything away.”
“I’m not throwing anything away, Elliot,” I mutter. “If anything, I learned the most from you. I think some people come into our lives for a short amount of time to teach us a lesson. And even though our relationship didn’t have a fairytale ending, we learned so much from each other.”
“Oh, don’t give me that bullshit,” Elliot winces through furrowed brows.
“I’m serious, Elliot,” I continue. “I think this was a wake-up call for us. We were stuck in a downward spiral, destined for a miserable life. But now, we both have a chance to start over, to learn from our mistakes. And I have a feeling that whoever you find next is going to get the best version of you. When that happens, when you meet the person who makes the stars shine brighter, you’ll thank me for letting you go.”
His bottom lip trembles as he swallows, the lump in his throat bobbing heavily.
“Sky…” He croaks.
“Elliot,” I rasp. “Look me in the eyes and tell me that you can’t breathe without me. Tell me that I make you feel like the happiest man in the world.”
His eyes dart between mine as he opens and closes his mouth. I can see the hesitation in his stare because for once, he doesn’t want to lie to me.
“You can’t say it, because I’m not the one,” I shake my head. “You wouldn’t have fucked that woman in the hotel room if I was the one, just like I wouldn’t have slept with Everett if you were the one.”
“Fuck, I just…” He trails off, running a hand through his hair. “You’re all I’ve known for three years.”
“But I’m not your person, Elliot,” I rasp, shaking my head. “And deep down, you know it’s true. We were nothing but roommates who had sex every once in a while. Don’t you want more than that? Wouldn’t you rather spend your life with someone that makes you feel homesick? Like you would simply be lost without them because theyareyour home?”
A beat of silence passes as Elliot paces and back forth across the pavement before turning to face me through watery eyes.
“How do you know?” He whispers as a tear rolls down his cheek. “How do you know I’ll find that person? How do you know that feeling even exists?”
“Because that’s what I have with Everett,” I whisper. “And when you finally meet the person that’s been walking around the earth with the other half of your soul in their hands, it’s the best, most incredible feeling in the world. It’s… it’s indescribable,” I say thickly.
Finally, I feel like I’ve broken down a fourth wall as I watch Elliot break down in front of me. I place my hand on his arm, gently squeezing his bicep as his shoulders shake with silent cries. He lets go, releasing a flood of emotions that’s been locked up for years.
“I’m afraid, Sky,” he rasps once he catches his breath. He grips the hem of his shirt, using it to wipe away his tears. “I’m so fucked up… I’m afraid I’m going to end up alone.”
“You won’t,” I breathe out, shaking my head. “The past three years haven't been all bad. You’ve given me bits and pieces of your heart, all of which I’m grateful for. But one day, you’re going to meet someone that will make you want to rip your heart out of your chest and give it to them on a silver platter.”
Elliot stares down at me through damp lashes, sucking his lip between his teeth as he nods his head.
“So this is it,” he whispers. “You’re Everett’s now.”
I nod my head, preparing to say what I should have said years ago.